Part Nineteen: The Aftermath

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You run outside, all suited up and ready to fight. You start firing arrows and kill a couple orcs when you see that there are others like you fighting. Haldir and his elves of Lothlorien banish these demons back to where they came from alongside you. You smile, this encourages you. And you continue in the conflict until every last one of them is dead.


When the battle is done, you spot Gimli sitting upon a corpse, talking to Legolas. You run over to them.

"I've remembered more! I have a family, guys," you say with tears stinging your eyes. "I have a family. I belong somewhere in this world." You're crying now. 

"Well, I could have told you that," Legolas comes over and pulls you into a hug. You stand there, surprised. His embrace is warm, and you feel safe. No one can hurt you.

You are just about to hug back when he pulls away. "I'm sorry," he says, looking at his feet. "I just..."

"No, don't be. It's completely fine," you reply.

"Wait!" says Gimli, standing up. "How are you here? You are hurt!"

"Yes, you were at least. Did the women give you something to speed up the healing process?" asks Legolas. 

"No, no, I healed myself! With my powers!"

"Really? That's fascinating."

You giggle. "Legolas, you sound like Aragorn. Wait, where is he?"

"He fell, as you and Gandalf did before. Back when we were fighting off the wargs. There was a cliff," replies Gimli.

"But that can't be true. He was supposed to marry my sister!" You gasp. "Wait, was he going to marry Arwen?"

"Yes, he was."

"I just remembered something else then!" You smile. "Guys, maybe someday I'll remember everything."

"I sure hope you do." Legolas looks briefly at his feet again them back up to you. "Never mind that. I know you will."

"Well, we best be getting' back to Theoden," Gimli says, breaking a short silence.

"Yes," you say and you lead the way.

You pass by the infirmary. "Oh, excuse me for just a moment," you say to Legolas and Gimli. You sneak in.

Sarah comes running. "Where were you?" She looks you over and sees the armor. "Oh. You were out in battle? With your wound?" You nod. "How did you ever heal so quickly?"

"I...I...I can't show you now, but this evening I will." She looks at you, confused. "There's not much time now. I have to of to King Theoden." You give Sarah a hug and walk out.

To your surprise, Legolas is still there. "Oh, I didn't know you were waiting for me."

"Gimli went ahead," Legolas replies.

"Yes. That's ok." You walk together in silence for a bit. "You didn't have to, you know."

"Yeah. But I wanted to." More silence.

"Did I ever tell you about a dream I had once? About my father talking to me?"

"Yes, I remember that. Your father had told you that you are different than the rest and that you possessed the power to change the world one day, but not yet." He replies with an astonishing memory.

"Yes, that one. What do you suppose it means?" you ask him.

"Well, you have pointy ears like mine, so you are an elf, but you are also a wizard, who can speak awe-some languages." Legolas gets very animated and starts using his hands. "And you can do magic! It's so amazing!" He looks at you. "That's just one way that you are different. And I could name a thousand more." You blush as he smiles.

"So you've given that quite a bit of thought, I see," you tell him.

Now it's his turn to blush. "Yes, I have. ever since you told me, actually. It was just so...intriguing." You look in his blue eyes that stare deep into yours. What a nice friend he is, you think. But he seems to think more of you. He reaches for your hand.

You let him touch you, but then you pull away, not looking at him. You walk the rest of the way to King Theoden together, though in silence.

Fate: A Legolas X Reader Story (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now