Part Twenty: King Theoden

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"There you are, Legolas. I've been waiting..." King Theoden turns around and sees you. "Oh, and I see that y/n has recovered!" He walks over to you and hugs you. You hug back. "I'm glad to see you up and about, my dear. I'd like you all to know that Aragorn is alive, and he is here. Also, that Gandalf has returned. They are both weary from the fight, so they are currently resting." You and Legolas smile. "Now, let's get to the heart of it. Sit, please." So you do, next to a Gimli who looks on the edge of sleep, but trying to stay awake.

"Do you recall my saying to the villagers that we would return back from here to where our kingdom is?" You and Legolas both nod your heads at once. "I'm not sure when we shall. There is enough housing here for everyone, and it is nicer. I think that we might stay."

"I beg your pardon, king, but that would not be wise," you say.

"Why?" says Theoden and Gimli.

"You do not have resources, milord, nor the land to grow crops and raise livestock. How will your people eat? And where is water, that your people might drink?" Legolas is staring at you, a strangely familiar and sort of uncomfortable feeling.

"We can go back and get food and water, and bring it here," the king says bluntly.

"Then you have to make twice the journey, maybe even more if you run out. It would just be easier to go back." Theoden is silent, thinking.

"Yes, we shall go back," he decides. "I made a promise. But when?"

"Within two fortnights, sir."

"Oh, stop calling me 'sir' and 'king'. Theoden is my name."

"Alright, si-Theoden. But you should give them plenty of time to rest and recover before making the long journey home."

"Well then, that's settled," says Gimli. "When can I go?"

"Now, Gimli. Go and rest. You'd make a fine ruler, y/n. Wouldn't she, Legolas?" Theoden asks.

"Yes," he says, still studying you, his first time speaking. "Yes, she would."


"Sarah, I'm ready to show you now," you say as you walk into the infirmary.

"Ok." She comes up to you. "How did you do it?" You raise your hands and cuff them in a ball, then open them again to make a ball of moonlight. Her jaw is open, she is amazed. "Oh my! Does this power of yours posses healing powers?"


"Will you please use it to help the other patients?"

"Sure! But I must warn you, I will get tired and will have to rest. Using this power drains my energy."

"That's alright. Just get as many people in as you can before that happens. Thank you so much!" And so you start healing the sufferers.

After about 30 men, you grow weary. "Sarah, Freida, I'm going to go to my sleeping quarters now."

"Alright! Thanks for helping out!" You go to your room, change into nightclothes, and lie down on your bed and try to go to sleep.

But something won't let you. It keeps nagging and tugging at you. But you can't figure out what it is, and you fall asleep.

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