The Question

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After you were done eating you decided to get dressed, not before taking a quick shower. Once done you removed your bandages and notice your wounds are healed. You put on your attire from yesterday and walked into the room.

You saw the Girls have left it was just you and Nana. "So daddy what are we going to do?" Asked nana curiously. "Hmm....i don't know want to train?" You asked her with a tilted not even sure yourself. "Yah!" Shouted Nana with a smile.

You laughed at her enthusiasm and entered the chamber of diades with Nana. "Are you sure this room will get pretty intense."  You tried to reassure her. "I'm ready!" Said Nana. You smirked and flew back a few feet away from Nana.

"Alright try and hit me." You said to her. "What?" Asked a confused Nana. "Try and hit me." You said again. "Um....okay." Said Nana as she began to charge you. But before she could land a punch you powered up a little causing the gravity to increase.

Nana faced Palmed into the ground and struggled to get up. "I told you it will get intense." You said to her while walking around her. You notice that Nana slowly got back up on her feet but she was hunched over. "Ready?" You asked her with your arms behind your back.

"R-ready!" Said Nana struggling to breath a little.

A few hours later

"Once you have gathered all that energy release it with a loud scream!" You said while Nana was performing the kamehameha. "Haaa!" Shouted Nana while releasing a blue beam of light towards you.

You held your palm out and let the blast hit you. It caused and explosion leaving black smoke behind. Nana was panting heavily and passed out on the ground. Her attack actually hurt a bit. You thought to yourself as you blew away the smoke.

But then again...she has much to learn. You thought as you picked her up off the floor. You exited the chamber and walked up to Blake's bed and placed her on the bed. You placed the blanket over her and she smiled a bit and slept on her side. You couldn't help but smile and kiss her forehead.

"You have the gentle eyes of a father." You turned around to see Glynda standing there on the doorway. "But the power of a killer." She said with seriousness in her tone. "Don't remind me." You told her as you look at Nana sleep.

"Tell me Y/n why did you take her in?" Asked Glynda curious. You couldn't help but sigh in sadness. "Tell me Goodwitch...what would you do if you saw a planet be destroyed?" You asked her while facing towards the window with your arms crossed behind your back.

Glynda was about to answer but you interupted her by saying, "And saw millions die by a cruel ruler over said planet. Keep in mind said ruler was the one who destroyed the planet." You told her.

"I...uhh" was all she could say. "I was given a promise Ms. Goodwitch." You began to tell her. "By a certain women she said to me to keep her safe and if 'he' ever trys to take her away to kill him." You said to her.

"Who is this 'ruler' your talking about?" Asked Glynda. "His name is....Freeza." You said with a serious tone. "Oh I'm so sorry Y/n." Said Glynda as she walked away.

A few hours later

Team Rwby came into their dorm room laughing. "I'm just saying you can use a little make over." Said Yang nervously. "I don't need a make over to get boys to flawn over me!" Shouted a very flustered Blake.

Once they entered they saw you sleeping on the floor with Nana laying on your Chest also asleep. "What's with them?" Asked Weiss curiously. "I don't know but there tired that's for sure." Said Yang walking up to her bed.

Everyone began to lay or sit in there bed while Blake placed Nana on her bed and placed you on the wall of her bed also. Blake began to read her book ninjas of love. While reading her book she felt a certain weight on her shoulder.

She turned her head to see your head on her shoulder asleep. Blake felt her cheeks heat up. "Looks like someone has a crush." Whispered a voice. Blake looked up to see yang hanging upside down with a camera as she takes a picture.

"Delete that Now!" Shouted an embaresed Blake. "But you guys look so cute." Said Yang with a smile. "She is right you know." Said Weiss with a slight annoyance. "W-what?!" Shouted Blake. This outburst caused you to sturr in your sleep making Blake tense a bit but relaxed with a sigh once you fell back asleep.

"Besides you treat Nana like if she were your daughter." Said ruby smiling at her. "And besides you get way flustered when we talk about him." Said Yang with a giggle. Blake sighed and put her book away. "Hey guys do you ever wonder how Y/n got this strong?" Asked Ruby curiously.

"What do you mean?" Asked Weiss. "I mean he has the tittle of destroyer so he must be really strong." Stated Yang. "True but think about it must have been lonely for him." Said Blake while scratching the back of your ears.

You let out a small purr which caused everyone to blush but blakes was more noticeable. "Wait didn't he have why would it get lonely?" Asked Weiss. "She means before Y/n met Nana." Said Ruby. "I wonder how did they meet?" Asked Weiss curiously.

"In space." Said a voice. Everyone jumped at the new voice. They all turned to face Nana waking up. "What do you mean?" Asked Yang. "We met in space." Said Nana as she sat on Blake's lap."What do you mean by that?" Asked Blake wrapping her arms around Nana.

"All I know was that I met him in space when I was just a baby." Said Nana leaning her body towards Blake's arms. "He never talks about my real parents he always changes the subject." Said Nana with teary eyes.

"Why not we figure it out ourselves." Said Ruby. "Like interrogate him?" Asked Weiss. "Yeah." Said ruby. "We're in!" Shouted the group causing Nana to smile.

God of destruction male reader x Rwby  (Dragon ball super x Rwby)/DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now