Fighting and Soothing the Dark Tails

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In case you havent noticed Vale is a pretty boring place. Cars driving up and down the street. Kids playing at the arcade. Adults and parents going in an out of work.

Blake was seen in what you can say was her natural environment. The Library. She is seen reading a magazine but we all know whats shes actually reading.

"Hey Blake." Said a low high voice. Blake looked up from her "Magazine" to see the familiar yellow monkey faunus Sun Wukong.

"Can I help you Sun?" Blake asked him slightly annoyed. "No I just thought you wanted some company." Replied Sun sitting down next to her. "Since when do you read?" Blake asked the faunus. "Ever Since I saw a cute cat in the Library." Replied Sun causing Blake to faintly blush.

"Don't be an idiot." Replied Blake as she walked out of the Library.  

Blake's P.O.V

I began to walk around the courtyard of Beacon. I turn my head to see Cardin picking on Velvet again. I couldn't help but clench my fist as I began to walk toward them without noticing my black aura around me. "Let her go Cardin." I growled at him. Cardin turned around and smirked at me. "Or what you gonna read me to death?" Cardin asked smugly.

I then noticed his goons around me. "I'll say it one more time now...LET...HER...GO!" I shouted once more. "No get her." Cardin ordered his goons to attack me. Before they can even near me my four aura tails sprung out of me and slammed them into the ground. "What the?!?!?" Shouted Cardin.

I then go into a stance and let my Ki flow out of me. My black aura glowed into the tiger form with the four tails again, my eyes turning into blank slates. I then began to giggle menacingly as my teeth felt sharper. Cardin tried to punch me but I caught his fist and twisted his arm with ease. Cardin began to wince in pain.

I then kick his legs putting him on his knees. With my other free hand I used it to force his face to stare at my Blank eyes and sharp teeth. Cardin stared into my eyes in fear. "I warned you didn't I?" I asked him my voice now distorted and demonic. "Let me go You BITCH!!!" Cardin shouted, however I only laughed at his attempt at being brave.

"Three." I tell him and let go of his arm. "What?" Cardin asked. "If you can beat me in three moves I'll let you continue  but lose and I break you." I tell him with a smile. "Your on." Said Cardin. 

"But first lets have an audience." I tell him as I throw a Ki blast at the ground causing and explosion. A few minutes later and most the school are now watching whats happening.

"Now shall we begin?" I asked Cardin leaning my head to the side with a smirk. Cardin begins to charge toward me, as he nears me I quickly jump over him and blast him away with a Ki blast. Cardin begins to fly and hit one of Beacons pillars. "Too slow." I tell him. Without a second thought Cardin threw his mace at me witch caught me off guard and managed to graze my cheek. 

"Ha got ya!" Cardin shouted with a smile. I began to let my Ki out completely and charge up my super attack. "NOW I'M MAD......POWER SURGE!!!" I screamed out and released my beam at him that was all black with a light purple outline and golden inside. Cardin looked in fear as he held up his arms in hope to protect himself.

The pain never came because everyone stared in awe as You appeared out of nowhere and held out your hand. The beam hit your hand only slightly pushing you back. "What did you do?" You say looking at Cardin. "What does it matter to y-" You cut Cardin off by wrapping your tail around his neck and lifting him up to your face. "Because I'm saving your life unless you want to take your chances with this beam?" You asked him. 

"I was picking on some girl." He replied. "Now was that so hard now if you excuse me." You say as you knock him out with your head. "I have to calm her down." You say as you face Blake.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Blake honey calm down." I tell her but instead she makes the beam fade away and charges me. I dodge her swings and begin to talk to her. "Blake Calm down no one is hurt." I tell her but she manages to punch my cheek. "You'r suppose to be a god!" I hear Blake shout to me. She then slams me into the ground and flies up into the air and begins to throw Ki blasts at me while shouting, " AND YET YOUR LOSING TO A MORTAL!!!" 

Blake then begins to laugh and charge up once more. "I'LL DESTROY EVERYONE!!!" Blake shouts out and begins to charge up another beam. "NOW D-" Blake was cut off by me kneeing her in the gut. "You want me to go full power!" I shout as I slam her into the ground like how I did with Goku and Vegeta on my Fathers planet.

Once the smoke cleared I see the students of Beacon looking at me in awe and fear. I then turn around to see Blake slowly getting back up the form she's using becoming unstable. "I'll KILL YOU!!!" Blake shouted and charged toward me. I then grab her and hold her in my arms. Blake tries to escape my grip but can't.

I then use the attack move that will defeat any opponent of the opposite gender that you are. I kiss her. Blake's eyes widen and she begins to whimper. Everyone looks at us shocked no one noticing a certain Blonde taking a picture of the scene before them. I noticed that Blake's breathing began to slowly go back to normal. I also noticed that she griped my shoulder and held me closer.

Her eyes slowly began to go back to her regular amber eyes. Her Black Ki like aura began to fade away. After about another minute Blake passed out in my arms her head leaning back. Her eyes were now black swirls and she had a big noticeable blush on her face. I sigh in relief and lift her up bridal style, "Okay shows over now get back to class." With that being said I walk away toward the infirmary. 

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