Gods VS Man Part 2

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Smoke. That is what can be seen. The combined Ki blast's from Zamasu and Rose Black was the cause of it. Zamasu smirked at the scene before them. "Well, that was a waste." spoke the Supreme Kai. "I wouldn't be too sure about that." Said, Black, as she pointed at the smoke cloud. 

Zamasu stared down at the scene only for her eyes to widen. There before her stood Yang with her arms crossed. She stared up at Zamasu with glare and smirk. "Is that all you got!" Yang shouted with her smug smirk. Zamasu growled. "Come at me ya Grinch looking ass!" Shouted Yang.

Zamasu growled and charged toward her. Black was going to help as well but got kicked away. Black turned to see Nana and Ruby. Black chuckled lightly, "This should be good." She said as she powered up. Nana went Super Saiyan while Ruby just increased her strength.

Zamasu was going toe to toe with Yang. She went for a right hook, but Yang tanked the hit and punched Zamasu in the gut. Zamasu winced, as Yang quickly blasted her away with a Ki blast. "Is that all you got Dwarf?" Mocked Yang. Zamasu however was having none of it. She charged toward Yang as she readied her fists. 

Black on the other hand was laughing as she blocked each and every attack Ruby and Nana through at her. "Is this really the best you can do?" Asked Black as she kicked Ruby into Nana. Nana quickly recovered and pulled out her sword. Black only smirked as she evaded every attack. 

Unbeknowest to Black Ruby managed to get behind Black. "HEY!" Shouted Ruby as Black caught Nana's Sword in her hand. Black turned toward Ruby with wide eyes. "COOKIE DOUGH BLAST!!!" Ruby screamed out as a Silver beam shot out of her hands. Nana pulled back, as Black got hit by the attack.

A smoke cloud surrounded where Black once stood. However, it was cut short due to something glowing within the smoke. "Now it's my turn." Spoke Black as she swiped away the clouds. Ruby and Nana's eyes widen to see Black holding a scythe made out of Ki. "Lets see what we could do." Said Black as she took a stance.

Ruby stood up staring at Black. "R-Ruby?" Nana asked her worried. Ruby jumped toward Black in blinding speeds. Black and Nana were caught off guard. Black managed to block Rubys blade. Nana stared in awe, before her was the real Ruby with her scythe. In front of her was Black with her scythe.

"Let the battle-" Began Black as she charged toward Ruby. "BEGIN!" Finished Ruby as she charged toward Black.


Zamasu and Yang were having a brawl on the other side of Vale. Zamasu however, managed to over power Yang by blasting her into a building. "Pathetic, and here I thought you had potential." Spoke Zamasu. Yang slowly got up her Gi now slightly torn. "And you should, really focus on your surroundings." Spoke Yang. 

Zamasu stood still and looked around to be surrounded by glowing symbols. "What is the meaning of this?" Spoke Zamasu confused. "SNEAK ATTACK!" Zamasu turned to be punched by Weiss. Zamasu stumbled back a bit. Weiss quickly jumped back on her glyph and jumped toward Zamasu. Each Time Weiss seemed to be getting faster and faster.

Until Zamasu caught Weiss' foot as she tried to kick her. "Got you!" Smirked Zamasu. "Nope, I have you!" Said Weiss as she thrusted her hands down. Her glyphs began to shoot ice crystals. The crystals hit Zamasu causing her to scream and let go of Weiss. 

Weiss jumped back toward Yang helping her up. "Where's Blake?" Yang asked breathing heavily. "I don't know, but I'm sure she's fine." Reassured Weiss. The girls heard a growl from within the mist. Once the mist cleared they saw Zamasu, with purple ooze healing herself. "What the hell?!?!" Shouted Yang in surprised.

"I forgot...I'm immortal." Smirked Zamasu as she charged up her ki. Both Yang, and Weiss took a fighting stance and charged up their Ki. 


Both Ruby and Black were now on the ground siwnging their scythes. Each strike from their blades made a spark. Ruby twirled her scythe and shot Black. Black spun her scythe, sliceing the bullet. Nana charged in a swung her sword. Black spun her scythe, managing to cut Nana's arm slightly. 

"C' mon you two, show me something interesting." Shouted Black as she charged toward them. Ruby pushed Nana out of the way and blocked the strike. Nana charged again, only for Black to block both attacks. Before they knew it a Ki blast hit Black in the back. Black screamed in pain as she flew forward her scythe disappearing. 

Ruby and Nana turned to see, Blake breathing heavily. "Blake/Mom!" Shouted Ruby and Nana as they ran to her. "Hey...what I miss?" Asked Blake as Nana hugged her. "A one on one Battle between me and her." Said Ruby as she saw Black stand back up.

"Where's Yang and Weiss?" Asked Blake. "Fighting the green lady." Explained Ruby as she twirled her scythe and put it away. "THAT'S IT!!!" Shouted Black as she powered up again her Hair spiking up. "NO MORE GAMES, WE GO ALL OUT NOW!!" Shouted Black. 

Nana put her sword on her back and powered up Fully. Blake turned into her berzerker form. Ruby powered up as much as she could. The three charged Black as she flew towards them. They all collided creating an explosion. 

After about a few hours of punching, swinging, kicking, and special moves Team RWBY and Nana were currently on the ground in the center of Vale. Black stood next to Zamasu, "Shall we try this again?" Asked Black. "That we shall." Said Zamasu as they both liftied their palms and shot their combined attack again. 

Ruby stared at the incoming projectile as she tried to stand up. "This can't be the end. I wont let it be the end!" Thought Ruby as everything seemed to freeze in place. "W-what's going on?" Asked Ruby as Time seemed to stop. "It's called being a leader." spoke a voice.

Ruby turned toward the voice for her eyes to widen and tear up. "M-Mom?"  

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