Future Battle & Re-gaining Control

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Rose Black P.O.V

I stand floating above the man who claims not to mess with an Arc Angel. The Blonde man begins to scream as I feel his power being to increase. His eyes begin to glow white as a white aura surrounds him. I chuckle slightly at him. "It's such a shame that this mortal thinks he can beat me with such low of a power." I thought as I begin to crack my neck and knuckles.

"Well go on then, I'm ready when you a-" I was cut off to see the blonde man in front of me. The man swung his sword at me. I lift my right arm blocking his sword. "I must say you caught me by surprise." I tell the man with a smirk.

In one quick motion I slam both my fits on the side of the blonde mans face paralyzing him. I elbow him in the gut and kick him toward the ground. I float down toward the man with both my arms crossed. "How pathetic and here I thought Arc Angel's were suppose to be all mighty and powerful." I state as I was about to fly away until I saw some dirt begin to float.

"Why don't you say that to my face." I turn around to see the blonde man with white markings glowing around his skin. 

(A/N: The glowing White markings are like the ones from the god of war except instead of them being red there white.)

I smirk at him as I power up myself, "Make me." The blonde man growled and charge toward me. "This should be fun." I thought as I charge toward him as well.

The Present Time

Weiss was currently being eyed down by her sister Winter. "You know for a heist this is some very poor planning." Winter states pointing her sword at Weiss. Weiss only stared at her sister. "Now I'm going to tell you once who are you and what is your plan here." Winter asks the fully dark clothing Weiss not knowing its her.

Before Weiss could reply her scroll spoke out. "Time to go Ice Queen." Yang spoke as the ship on the other side began to activate. "I need back up right now their stealing a ship!" Winter spoke on her scroll.

"Please forgive me Winter." Weiss thought to herself as she whistled at Winter causing her to turn around. 

Winter's P.O.V

I turned to face toward the intruder only to see a bright orb glowing in there hands. Before I could even react the intruder placed the orb on my stomach. I then felt an intense heat emitting from the orb. The orb then blew up and I was pushed into a wall. I wince at the amount of pain only to see the intruder begin to flee.

"You ain't escaping on my watch!" I thought as I burst out of the wall. I then see them blow up a hole threw the hanger. I begin to run towards them only for them to fly out the hanger scraping the floor on there way out. "Miss Schnee what's going on here?" Said one of the soldiers.

"A Heist of some sort lets get them." I ordered as I board a ship and fly after them.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Man that was easy." I say as all the soldiers around Nana and I are all knocked out. "Well you did blow up half of their facility." Future Nana stated. Right as she pointed that out almost half of the facility are either destroyed or on fire. 

I was going to point something out only to hear a loud explosion coming from a hanger. I turned around to see an Airship fly out the hanger coming our way. "LET'S GET A MOVE ON!!!" Shouted Ruby over her scroll as the ship went up.

"Whelp time to go." I shout as I fly up as well Nana following behind me.

As we were flying however we were being followed by another ship. The other ship began to release a furry of bullets on the other ship. I sigh as I throw two ki blasts in front of the tailing ship causing a smoke screen.

Winter's P.O.V

Once the smoke screen had cleared the ship was gone. "Shit!" I shout in frustration. "What now?" Asked the pilot. "We go back." I ordered as we flew back.

Normal P.O.V

Ruby was currently flying the ship. "So what now?" Weiss asked as she faced the others. "Well according to these notes I have all the stuff to make our time machine." Yang stated as she flipped through her book. "So that means we can help Future Nana." Blake asked. "Well not exactly." Yang stated.

"What do you mean?" Present Nana asked. "It says I need a specific ingot." Yang said. "What might that be?" Ruby asked as she switched to auto pilot and faced the others. "It says I need an ingot from the Shattered Moon." Yang stated with a sweat drop.

"How are we suppose to get that?" Weiss asked. "I can easily get it." Everyone turned toward the window to see (Y/n) beside it. "You can?" Blake asked surprised. "Yep." (Y/n) stated with a smirk as he flew toward the Moon at high speeds.

Somewhere in Mount Glenn

"I'm pretty sure this is a good spot to land." Said Ruby as she landed the ship. Everyone exited the ship. "Are you sure you know what your doing?" Weiss asked Yang with a skeptical look. "Not gonna lie Weiss." Yang began as she turn to face her. "I have no clue what I'm doing." Yang stated with a nervous chuckle. 

Weiss had a drop of sweat on the side of her head as she sighed. "Something tells me I'm going to need to assist you." Weiss stated with a sigh. "I'd say we all deserved a good rest." Stated Ruby the other nodded and flew back to beacon. 

Meanwhile in the Future

Rose Black was breathing heavily as she was heavily bruise. "It's been a while since I had a good fight." Rose Black stated with a smirk. However the man was on one knee breathing heavily. His white markings slowly beginning to fade away. "You've killed the one I loved and Now you will PAY!!!" Shouted the blond man as his markings glowed golden.

"Let's face it sweet heart that red haired spartan had it coming." Rose Black stated with a chuckle. "I'll kill you for killing my Pyrrha!!!" Shouted the man as he lunged toward Rose Black with his sword drawn out.

"ooh looks like I've touched a nerve, let's see how far your willing to go." Rose Black stated as she took a fighting stance.

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