Should Y/n Spar with these two

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After about an hour in the chamber you made the chamber's gravity go back to normal. You saw the four girls laying on their backs breathing heavily and sweating. "Alright that's enough for today." You told them as you teleported everyone out of the chamber.

You and the Girls were now in the dorm room. "But we can handle more." Said a very tired Ruby. "I don't think you can you all need some rest." You said while meditating on the roof. The girls slowly walked back towards there dorm room.

While walking they kept getting stares from everyone mostly the guys. "Does anyone else feel uncomfortable?" Asked a very nervous Ruby while rubbing her left arm. "Now that you mention it yeah....a lot." Said Weiss very uncomfortable. "Why couldn't Y/n give us our cloths back." Said Blake annoyed.

"What are you talking about Blake you know you wanted to show Y/n 'the goods'." Said Yang making air quotes at the end with a smirk. "I already told you I don't like Y/n!" Shouted a very flustered Blake.

Meanwhile with you.

While meditating you heard the staff blink. Now who could that be? You thought to yourself while looking into the orb of the staff.
"Y/N GET OVER HERE NOW!" You heard a familiar voice shout. "D-Dad?!" You shout back in surprised.

The image enhanced to show Lord Beerus clearly angry. "Dad how did you find me?!" You asked him surprised. "That dosent matter get over here now!" Shouted Beerus angrily. You sighed but before you left you went to check on the Girls.

You walked into the dorm to find everyone asleep well everyone but Nana. "Nana why aren't you asleep?" You asked her. "I wasn't  tired but kitty and the others were." She said while pointing at Blake and the others. "Well grandpa needs my help want to come?" You asked her. "Yeah!" Shouted Nana excited.

Her outburst caused the Girls girls to sturr in there sleep. "Nana shh!" You whisperd shouted. "Sorry." Whispered Nana back covering her mouth with both hands. You sighed once the Girls fell back asleep.

You looked at them to find that there still wearing their training Gi' s. You chuckled and locked the door before leaving Nana following behind you. Once you were in the courtyard of the school you pulled out the staff.

Nana placed held you hand. "Ready?" You asked her. "Ready!" Shouted Nana with a smile. You tapped the ground with your staff a bright light covers you two and you began to leave the planet.

Meanwhile on Beerus's planet.

"So Lord Beerus is this guy really strong?" Asked Goku curiously. "Well of course he is but he is weaker compared to me." Said Lord Beerus nonchalantly. "Is that so." Said Vegeta. "Then it won't be much of a fight then." Said Vegeta slightly annoyed.

"I wouldn't be too sure boys." Said Whis with a smirk. "What do you mean?" Asked Vegeta. "He may be weaker then Lord Beerus but he is the third strongest in the universe." Explained Whis. This shocked the two sayian' s.

H-how is that possible?! Thought Vegeta. T-the third strongest in the u-universe?! Thought Vegeta while looking at the relaxing Beerus. "Ooh! Now I can't wait to challenge him to a battle!!" Shouted a very excited Goku with his signature smile.

A few hours later.

There was a bright light that landed in the forest of Lord Beerus planet. "We're here." You told Nana. "Yay let's go find grandpa." Shouted Nana while flying away. "Hey!? Wait for you dad!" You shouted and flew towards her.

A few minutes later they landed were Beerus was sleeping. You and Nana were walking side by side. "My Lord he's here." Said Whis to Beerus. Beerus woke up and stood up walking towards you two.

"Who do you think are those two?" Goku whispered to Vegeta. "I don't know but something tells me were in for a surprise." Said Vegeta with his arms crossed. You were walking in a normal pace but Nana run up to Lord Beerus with a smile.

"GRANDPA!!!" Shouted Nana as she jumped at Beerus giving him a hug stopping Beerus in his tracks. "G-Grandpa?!" Shouted a shocked Goku and Vageta in unison. "Nice to see you too pipsqueak." Said Beerus with a smirk.

Beerus lifted his arm to see Nana hanging from it. "Did you miss me grandpa?!" Said a happy Nana. Beerus moved his head closer to the little girl. "Nope." He said with a smile while giving her a noggie.

"You two done?" You said with a smirk. "What's wrong son jealous that your own daughter likes me more then you?" Teased Beerus with a smirk. "S-son?!" Shouted a shocked Goku and Vageta again. You turn towards them with a hum. "Oh hey there nice to meet you." You said with a smile walking over to them.

"Hey there my names Goku." Said Goku with his signature smile. "Nice to meet you and you are." You said pointing too Vegeta. "Oh this is Vegeta." Said Goku introducing his friend. "Its an honnor to meet you my Lord." Said Vegeta with a baow.

"Oh please no need for that and besides." You said pulling Vegeta up and putting your arm around his shoulders. "Unlike my dad you can be yourself." You said with a smile.

"Hey we haven't had the chance to know your name?" Asked Goku. "Oh I'm Y/n nice to meet ya." You said with a smile. "I hope you know I didn't call you to make friends." Said Lord Beerus holding onto Nanas legs because she is on his shoulders.

"Then why did you call daddy grandpa?" Nana asked placing a hand on his head. "I want you to spar with those two Sayians." Said Lord Beerus. "Wait!?" Shouted Nana jumping off of Berrus's shoulders. She ran up to were you are and looked at Goku and Vageta with stary eyes.

"You guys are sayians too!" Shouted an excited Nana. "Umm yeah why?" Asked Goku confused. "I never met another sayian before this is amazing." Said Nana with a smile. "Wait your a sayian?" Asked Vageta. "Yeah why?" Asked a confused Nana.

"Wow it's nice to meet you." Said Goku shaking the Girls hand. "So what do you say Y/n?" You hear Lord Beerus say. "Will you spar with them?" Asked Beerus again. You thought about it for a moment. Then you looked at Nana. You tapped the ground with the staff and you saw Team Rwby in there school uniform in doctor Oblecks classroom.

You saw ruby giving a presentation on the shattered Moon. You also saw that she and her team mates were smiling. "What do you say Y/n?" You hear Whis's voice interupt what you were seeing.

You looked at the two sayians then back at Nana and back at Team Rwby. I'm sure they can handle one day without me. You thought to yourself. "I accept."

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