Using Ki

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You were in the dorm room relaxing until you heard the door knock. You walked up to the door and opened it to see Glynda standing there.

"Can I help you?" You asked her. "Did you forget about the agreement?" She asked you. "What agreement?" You asked still confused. "That you'll train team Rwby to use this No you talked about." She said before leaving.

There not even ready to use Ki yet...heck they can't even form Ki blast! You thought to yourself in frustration. You began to pace around the room in deep thought.

I can use the forbidden technic to release all there Ki however it will drain too much of mine in the process. You thought again.

Your ears twitch to the sound of the door knob turning. Team Rwby enter along with Nana. "Daddy you ok you seem worried?" Asked Nana. "I'm fine." You said as you grabbed Whis staff.

You all entered the chamber of dietys. "What are we doing in here?" Asked Ruby. "I'm going to use the forbidden technic." You told them. "Are you sure that's wise dad?" Asked a worried Nana.

"It's the only way besides there's a first for everything." You said while walking up to Team Rwby.

You walked up to Ruby and placed your hand on top of her head. You took a deep breath, "here we go." You said as you closed your eyes and focused your Ki.

At first nothing happened that is until Ruby's body was covered in a sliverish red like aura. You let go of her head and began to slightly breath heavily. "Woah this is weird." Said Ruby as she looked at her aura.

"Alright Weiss come here." You said. Weiss walked up to you. You did the same thing to her and she was covered in a light blue like aura.

You did the same with Blake and she was covered in a Black aura. The same thing with Yang she was covered in a golden like aura.

You were now breathing heavily and fell in one knee. "Daddy!" Shouted Nana and she ran to your side. "I'm fine Nana now then." You said and stretched. "Let's get serious." You said with a smirk.

Battle now.

You stood at one side of the chamber and Team Rwby along with Nana. You powered up slightly and the chamber's gravity increases. Both team Rwby and Nana fell to the ground.

"Come on use the power I released in you!" You shouted while in a fighting stance. Team Rwby and Nana screamed and they began to power up.

Nana was the first one to stand up and in a fighting stance. Yang was the second one to stand but still had trouble staying in a fighting stance. Then it was Weiss, the Blake and finally Ruby.

Before you attacked them you quickly materialize there Training Gi's. "Ahhh!" You screamed as you charged them. You threw a punch at Ruby who blocked but was sent a few feet away.

You ears twitched, you turned your head to be faced Yang ready for a punch. You blocked her attack but the ground below you cracked. You were going to send her away but was stopped by Weiss and Blake kicking you away.

You regained your balance but was kicked away again by Nana. You were then grabed from behind. You turned your head to see ruby holding you. She powered up again and began to fly straight up.

While flying up she began to spin you. She then did the same thing but coming down. She let go of you and you hit the ground hard. Ruby then stands beside her team. You slowly rise up.

You then backed offed witch caught them off guard. You rose both your hands up and began to create the destruction sphere.

"Are you insane?" Shouted a scared Weiss. "NOPE JUST....MAD!" You shouted and threw the sphere at them. The sphere slowly got closer and closer. "HA!" Shouted Nana as a beam of blue light hit the sphere.

The sphere was stopped for a few seconds but began to slowly move towards the girls. "YAHHH!" You shouted as the sphere speed increased. Nana held out her hands and the sphere stopped.

"I c-can't do t-this!" Struggled Nana. That is until she felt the weight lift up a bit. "Don't worry I'm here." Smiled Blake. "Me too." Said Yang. "Me three." Said Weiss. "Same here." Said ruby.

The five girls screamed and powered up again and manage to throw back the sphere at you. You smaked it away causing it to blow up. You saw that all the girls were now tired.

That is until you felt a dark like aura. What in The? You thought as you saw Blake's Hair cover her eyes. "Blake?" You asked her. "Ahhh!" Blake screamed as her aura began to increase. She lifted her arm and pointed it to you.

A black sphere began to glow from her hand. Her eyes changed from the golden eyes into pure white blank eyes. Electricity began to surround her body as she clenched her teeth. "GAHHH!"  Screamed Blake as she released a black beam of energy toward you.

You place yourself in a blocking position. When the black beam of energy hit you, you were slowly being pushed back. Is this the thing I saw in my vision? You asked yourself.

The beam of energy slowly started to become overwhelming and you screamed in pain. "Gahh!" You shouted and fell on the ground. The moment you hit the ground you passed out.

God of destruction male reader x Rwby  (Dragon ball super x Rwby)/DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now