It has Begun

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It was a dark night. The stars were sparkling in the nights sky, as the shattered moon glowed bright. Our hero's are seen in their dorm wearing their heist cloths. "Man how does (Y/n) make these so comfortable?" Said Ruby as she hugged herself. "Speaking of the Deity in question where is he?" Asked Weiss looking around. "Right here."

The girls turn around to see (Y/n) wearing a black long coat, gray shirt, dark jeans, a pair of boots, and a black Japanese straw hat that covered his eyes. "So shall we go?" (Y/n) asked pointing toward the window. The others nodded as they all jumped out the window and flew toward the Atlas Military.

As the group flew toward the Military base Future Nana couldn't help but stare at Blake and the Others. "I can't believe Auntie Yang's machine worked and too think I can spend more time with Mother and Father again."

"You okay?"Future Nana looked to her right to see Blake flying beside her. "Y-Yeah I-I'm fine." Future Nana tells her. Blake places a hand on her shoulder as Future Nana tenses up. "What's on your mind sweetie?" Blake asks her in a motherly tone. "I-It's just overwhelming to see you, Father, Aunt Yang, Aunt Weiss, and Aunt Ruby alive again." Future Nana explains to her. 

"What do you mean?" Blake asks her. "You see once all evil was ridden from this world you all went your separate ways. Aunt Ruby carried out her dream of becoming the best Huntress in all of Remenant. Aunt Weiss took over the company and corrected all the wrongs from their past making them the number one most trusted company. Mother you went back to menagerie to regain the trust of the weight fang and to successfully get the Faunus their rights they deserved. Aunt Yang retired being a huntress and began to learn about her robotic arm and on how it works so she became a scientist to learn more." Future Nana explains to her.

"Wait a minute I have a robotic arm? What happened to arm?" Yang intervene in the conversation. Before Future Nana could say anything, "Guy's were here!" Shouted Weiss as she flew downward. The others followed suit. Everyone landed behind the barbed wired fence. "Okay so you guys no what the plan is?" Weiss asked. The others nodded.

"(Y/n), Future Nana you distract while Ruby, Yang, Blake, Nana and I go to recover a ship." Explained Weiss. "Hands in the middle!" Said Ruby with an excited smile. Everyone placed their hands in the middle. "1 2 3......BANZAI!!!" They shouted as they scattered into their positions.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I ran toward another part of the fence with Future Nana. I placed my hand on the fence as it began to glow (F/c) as the Fence began to melt away. The two of us run up behind a parked armor car and hide behind it. I looked over the hood of the car to see a few parked ships, armored cars and a lot of people patrolling the area. 

"You ready to cause some destruction?" I asked Future Nana with a smile. "Why do I feel like your going to enjoy this?" Asked Future Nana with a nervous look on her face. "Um hello I'm the god of destruction." I tell her. "You right." Agreed Future Nana. My scroll ranged and I pulled it out to see the Team communicator active. "You two in position yet?" Asked Weiss. "Yup!" I tell her.

I look over the hood of the car and throw a small grain of energy at the other side of the facility. As the small grain hit the ground a huge explosion was created from it. "Uh Dad how much power did you put in that?" Future Nana asked with wide eyes. "A quarter." I tell her as I see soldiers rush out toward the explosion. As they sounded the Alarm. 

"Let's go!" I shouted as I hoped over the hood of the car and began to cause more destruction. Some soldiers looked at me as they aimed their guns at me. "You are trespassing federal property! Get down on your knees now!" Shouted the soldier as I kept walking. My Japanese straw hat covering my eyes.

"FIRE!!!" Shouted the soldier as they began to shoot me. I smile under my straw hat as I lift my hand and began to catch all the bullets. Once they stopped shooting me I opened the palm of my hand for them to see a barrage of dented bullets fall from my hand. "My turn." I say as I charged toward one punching him into a armor car leaving a dent on the side of the car.

The rest began to run at me and try to hit me, but I blocked on punch from a soldier only to kick another in the face and throw the other at another incoming soldier. One manage to hit my face but didn't faze me. I smile as I balance on one hand on top his head as I kick the other incoming soldiers knocking them out. I then knee the one I stood knocking him toward the other side of the facility.

More soldiers began to run toward me but I see a Ki blast hit them as they flew back due to the impact of the blast. I turn around to see Future Nana holding out her hand. I nod to her as we then charge the incoming army that's running at us.

Team RWBY's P.O.V

Team RWBY were currently running into the base while knocking out incoming guards. "Okay the airships have to be just behind this corner." Said Weiss as they turned the corner to see soldiers patrolling the airship hanger. "It can't be just any ship it has to be specifically a A113-b46." Yang states. "Okay team let's roll out." Said Ruby as she ran in their with the others.

Ruby kicks one guard down to his knees as Weiss knees the back of his head knocking him out. The other guard turns around only to be met with a punch to the face. "Hey girls look what I found." Said Ruby as the others look to see Ruby has found stun rifles in a crate. 

"That's convenient." Said Yang as they each grabbed a rifle and began to scatter to look for the ship.

Weiss P.O.V

I was running on the upper deck of the hanger only to be knocked to the ground by something. I turn around to see none other than







Winter Schnee looking down upon me.

God of destruction male reader x Rwby  (Dragon ball super x Rwby)/DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now