Blake V.S Frieza

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Frieza couldn't help chuckle. "If your two friends here couldn't beat me what makes you think you can?" Frieza stated. "Because!" Shouted a familiar voice. Blake, Frieza and the rest of team Rwby and Nana turn there heads to see you slowly getting up.

"Just like you she too can transform!" You shouted as you picked up Weiss carefully and walked over to Yang. Frieza tried to shoot you but Blake blcocked the attack. You gentally lay Weiss next to Ruby.

"What happened to you?" You asked her. "I tried to fight him on my own and didn't end well." Chuckled Ruby as she clutched her stomach in pain. "Don't worry." You told them. "Why s-should we n-not w-worry?!" Shouted Weiss in pain.

"Because we have the most strongest fighter here." You told them with a smirk. "You?" Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Nana said in unison. You shook your head. "If it isn't you then who is it?" Asked Yang.

"You." You said as you placed your hand on top of Nanas head. "Nana?!?!" Shouted Yang, ruby, and Weiss in unison. "Me?!?!" Shouted Nana. "Yup." You said with a smirk.

Meanwhile with Blake.

Frieza had is arms crossed. Blake's eyes began to glow and she began to scream. Her aura began to grow and shape into a tiger witch grew four long tails. Frieza looked in awe at the transformation.

Blake began to smile and chuckle evily. That laugh where have I heard that before? Frieza thought to himself. Little did he know Blake was behind him.

In one swift motion Frieza was kicked from behind. "Ach!!" Shouted Frieza as he turned his head slightly. He saw Blake with the same smirk.

Blake teleported in front of Freiza and kicked him in the air. Blake jumped above him and started to throw punches at him. Frieza had no choice but to move his arms to block the attacks. "Enough!" Shouted Frieza as he shot a shock wave of Ki energy.

This sent Blake back a few feet. "I will not be handed by you!!" Shouted Frieza as he charged up his Ki and began to change is form again. He began to grow shorter but his fore head grew longer. His shoulder also grew longer. His horns grew longer at the back and shorter at the front.
He also grew spikes on his back.

Blake's smile only grew bigger. She began to charge up her Ki. Frieza only smirked as he too charged up his Ki. Blake charged Freiza and Frieza charged Blake. The two began to throw punches and kicks.

Neither one of them stopped attacking one another. Frieza was having trouble getting some of his attacks to hit. Blake however her speed increased and began to kick and punch Frieza with ease.

Blake and Frieza backed off one another. Frieza had bruises everywhere around his body.  Blake only had scratch marks on her arms and face. Frieza charged Blake. Blake did the same.

When the two met at the center they charged up an attack and threw it at one another. The two beams collided with one another creating a sphere between the two blasts. The longer they stayed the bigger the sphere becomes.

After a while the sphere began to grow big and unstable. "Everybody down!" You shouted as the sphere blew up. You covered the others and used your body as there shield.

A blinding light covers the area. Once it faded you look around at the others. "You all okay?" You asked them. "Y-yeah." Said Yang. "Nana?" You said. "I'm fine dad." She said. "Ruby." "Im okay." She said faintly. "Weiss?" "I've been better." She said.

You turned toward the direction of the fight your eyes widen. You saw Frieza and Blake breathing heavily, you also saw Blake covered in scratch marks and bruises.

Blake was breathing heavily while eyeing Frieza. She tried to charge up her Ki again but her tiger aura form vanished and her hair floated a bit but fell down. Blake looked at Frieza and gave out a low growl not before falling to the ground and passing out.

Frieza smirked and began to laugh. "Now let's finish th-" Frieza was cut off again by Yang shooting him with her gauntlets. "Would you stop doing th-" Frieza was cut off again by a Ki blast to the face.

"Let's see if you can handle." Began yang as she readied her gauntlets. "A two against one." Said Nana as she and Yang got into a fighting stance.

Frieza only looked at the two girls in anger. He held out his hand and a pink like Ord grew within his hand. "I'll kill you both yahhh!" Shouted Frieza as he threw the Ord at Yang and Nana.

God of destruction male reader x Rwby  (Dragon ball super x Rwby)/DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now