The Battle Part One

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Team Rwby's P.O.V

The girls walked out of Doctor Oblecks classroom and towards the cafeteria. Ruby had a very frustrated look on her face. "What's wrong sis?" Asked Yang carefully. "Mr. Obleck gave me a C on my report." Said a very angry Ruby. "At least you passed." Said Weiss hopeing to cheer her friend up.

"Barely!" Shouted Ruby steam coming out of her ears in anger. While walking towards the cafeteria a few guys were looking at them. They finally sat down and ate their lunch with Team Jnpr.

"Hey guys." Asked Juane. "What is it?" Asked Pyrrha. "Do you guys have the feeling like were being watched?" Asked Juane again. "Now that you mention it yeah it's rather....odd." emplied Ren.

Both teams turned around to see all the guys stare at them. "What are they looking at?" Asked Nora. "Us most likely." Said Weiss. "Why is that?" Asked Juane. "Because we were wearing this new outfit and it's seems like we got some attention." Said Yang as she winked at the guys.

This caused almost half of them to turn around with a blush. "New outfits?" Asked Pyrrha curiously. Maybe Juane will notice me if I wear what ever outfit they did. Thought Pyrrha with a small blush and smile.

"Yeah its somewhat revealing in a way." Said ruby with a nervous chuckle. This caused Jaune Jaune and Ren to blush and made the Girls laugh at their flushed faces.

Meanwhile with You

You were on one side of the lake while Goku and Vageta were on the other. Lord Beerus was in his lawn chair relaxing with Nana. Whis was standing next to him with his staff in hand. You heard Whis shout out "Begin!"

The next thing you knew the two sayians charged you. You flew towards them and met them at the center of the lake. Goku threw punch and kicks while Vageta did the same behind you. You dodged their every attack. They each threw one final punch, you moved out of the way causing them to punch each other.

"Damit Kakorot! I had him!" Shouted Vageta pissed off. "HEY it's not my fault your slow." Said Goku. You grabbed both their heads and smashed them together and kicked the away. "Man this guy strong!" Said Goku getting back up. "Of course he's strong he's Beerus's son what'd you expect?" Shouted Vageta.

"Don't tell me your this weak." You shouted. The two sayians looked at one another and smirked. You saw them change their stance. What in the world are they- you were cut off as you saw them scream and their hair change from black to yellow.

Their eyes turned a bage green and had spiky yellow hair that defyed gravity. They charge you and you dodged there attacks. But every once in a while they manage to hit you. You threw a punch at Goku but was met with a punch in the back by Vageta.

You tried to punch Vageta but was met with a Kamehameha to the back sending you straight into the lake.

Team Rwby P.O.V

Team Rwby walked into their dorm to show Pyrrha and Nora their training Gi's. "So what's this outfit that has all the boys riled up?" Asked Nora. "This." Said ruby as she and her team walked in front of them.

They were wearing the training Gi's from yesterday. "Woah who g-gave you t-those?" Asked a flustered Pyrrha. "Y/n!" Shouted all of team Rwby. "There surprisingly comfortable." Said Ruby.

"You think Y/n can make" Asked Pyrrha nervously. "Why?" Asked Ruby. "Because Pyrrha wants little old Johnny boy to notice her." Said Nora causing Pyrrha to blush madly.

"N-Nora!" Shouted a flustered Pyrrha. "What? You know it's true." Said Nora teasing her. "Enough!" Shouted Pyrrha punching Nora causing her legs to dangle up like in animes.

Back to you

Vageta and Goku were looking down at the lake. "Do you think we went to far?" Asked Goku. "I hope not because I still want a fight." Said Vageta. There was bubbles emmiting from the water catching the sayins attention.

The next thing they knew they were met with a powerful punch to the back. They rerouted their direction to see you with a purple aura. You screamed and powered up.

"Show me what impressed my father so much?" You shouted while in a fighting stance. The two sayians powered up again by this time there was a bright blue light.

It blinded you for a moment then you saw it. You saw Goku and Vageta with the same hair due but light blue hair and eyes. Along with a light blue aura surrounding them.

"Time to get serious." Shouted Goku and Vageta getting into a fighting stance.

God of destruction male reader x Rwby  (Dragon ball super x Rwby)/DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now