Lord Frieza's arrival

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"So this is the planet with no name?" Said a feminine male like voice. "Lord Frieza your throne is ready for departure." Said one of the soldiers. "Good no let's do some searching." Said the male feminine voice.

Your P.O.V

You began to pace back and forth shouting in your head. How did he find this place!?!? Why is HE here of all places?!?! She's not ready to know the truth!
You thought as you remembered seeing Nanas biological mother saying to you, "keep her safe no matter what please!".

I can fight him but that won't be fair.....for him. you thought again still paceing around the room. The door opened and entered Team Rwby and Nana. "Y/n What's wrong?" Asked Ruby with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing why nothing's wrong why do you ask? Hehehe." You laughed nervously. "Are you sure your okay Because you seem to be sweating bullets?" Pointed out Weiss. "I'm fine." You said giving them a serious glare.

"What was that?" Asked Nana looking out the window. "Hmm what do you mean nana?" Asked Blake confused. "There's a strong energy heading toward Vale." Said Nana worried.

Shit I forgot she can sense Ki energy!?!?! You panicked in your head. "What do you mean by strange energy?" Asked Yang curious. "It's hard to explain but it's strong and menacing." Said Nana fear written on her face.

Frieza's P.O.V

While in my throne pod I fly toward a near by town. "Sargent Maxwell what's the name of this town." I asked him sternly. "It's know as V-Vale Lord Frieza." Said Maxwell nervously. Vale huh guess it will make for good target practice. I thought with a smirk and fly off toward Vale.

Normal P.O.V

There was a loud siren coming from the halls. Everyone checks the halls confused. You however knew what this meant. You saw Glynda shout from down the Hall. "Everyone too the court yard now this is not a drill I repeat this is not a Drill!" Everyone ran to the court Yard to see all the professors and Ozpin outside.

"Professor Ozpin what's going on?" Asked Ruby confused. "It would seem that the city of Vale is under attack by a force more powerful then anything we faced." Began Ozpin.

Oh no don't tell me.

"Vale needs you all more then ever now go out there and prove to me why your in this school." Shouted Ozpin as he and a few other professors borded a bullhead.

Down in Vale.

You, Nana, and Teams Rwby and Jnpr ran to the center of vale. What they saw horrified them. They saw crumpled buildings, dead bodies, and blood everywhere. "What happened?" Asked Jaune with horrified eyes.

"War is what happened." Said a voice. Everyone turned to be faced with a lizard man with horns. He had black lipstick and was sitting on a floating chair like pod.

"Who are you!?" Shouted Nana. "Im Lord Frieza....ruler of the entire universe!" Screamed Frieza. Suddenly there was a sound of readied guns. And what looked like and army surrounded them on the ground, roof, and air.

"What are you even doing here?" You shouted. "I'm here to take over this planet and whipe out anyone who stands in my way." Said Frieza.

"You guys ready for a good old fashioned rumble?" You said as you cracked your hands. Nana got into a fighting stance, ruby took out her Scythe, Weiss took out her rapier, Blake took out her sword, and Yang activated her gauntlets. Jaune took out his sword and shield, Nora activated her Hammer, Pyrrha took out her spear and shield, and Ren took out his pistol blades.

Frieza gave off a small smirk, "Kill them."

To be continued.....

(A/n:this is the actual way to spell Frieza.)

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