Two against one

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Frieza threw the pink orb at the two. Both yang and Nana jumped out of the way. But not before getting kicked by Frieza. Nana screamed in pain where's Yang winced in pain.

Without any hesitation Frieza began to power up his Ki. "I shall not endure your games no longer time to show you what true power really is!!" Shouted Frieza.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Screamed Frieza as his body began to glow. Yang and Nana covered there eyes. The ground began to shake as some of the ground broke and began to float. The clouds began to rain.

With one loud scream the glowing stopped. Yang and Nana look at Frieza with widen eyes. His head was now back to normal minus the horns. He was the same height as Ruby. His armor was now gone and he stood with his hands spread apart and one leg in front of the other.

"This is my final form now let's see if you can handle this!!!" Shouted Frieza as he powered up again. Yang readied her gauntlets and Nana got in a fighting stance.

Frieza smirked and charged them in a flash. Yang and Nana were caught off guard. Frieza threw punches and kicks at the two. Yang was able to block most of them but nana was getting knocked around.

"Nana!!" Shouted Yang as she punched Freiza away. "Let's see if you can handle this!" Shouted Yang as she screamed and powered up her Ki. "Do you all know how to use ki!!" Shouted Frieza.

"Yes!!" Shouted Ruby, Weiss, and Blake. Frieza only charged Yang. Yang swung at Frieza but was blocked by his arm. Frieza kneed her stomach and punched her in the air.

Frieza flew toward Yang and began to kick her higher into the air. Frieza grabbed yang and began to fly up into space. "Die." Whispered Frieza into Yangs ear as he grabbed her face and began to forcefully push her back down to earth.

The two were coming back in amazing speeds. Yangs body began to heat up as her cloths began to burn. Yang screamed in pain due to the fire increasing but was muffled by Friezas hand over her mouth.

They crashed into the ground and a giant smoke screen covered the area. "Yang!!" Shouted Ruby. Yang was on the ground breathing heavily.

All that was left of her clothing were bits of her shorts. Her shirt and jacket were completely gone but she still had her bra.

"Too bad i have to destroy such a pretty girl." Said Frieza as his finger began to glow. Frieza was about to finish off Yang but was kicked away by Nana. "I wont let you!" Shouted Nana in a fighting stance. "Please you can barely fight me." Said Frieza with a smirk.

"Ki-Oh-Ken!!!" Screamed Nana as her aura turned red and she began to grow and show some muscle. "Ki-Oh-Wha" Frieza was cut off by Nana kneeing Frieza in the stomach. "Gahh!" Shouted Frieza in pain.

Nana kicked Frieza in the face. Frieza flew back a bit but was kicked in the air. "Rageing blasts!!!" Screamed Nana as she shot multiple Ki blasts at Freiza. Frieza managed to regain his balance but Nana held both her hands and spiked Frieza into the ground.

"KAAA....MEEEE...HAAAA....MEEEE....HAAAAAA!!!!" Screamed Nana as she shot the beam of blue energy at Frieza. The beam hit Frieza and a giant exploshion was heard.

Smoke covered the area. Nana was breathing heavily. I probably shouldnt have used this this is tireing. Thought Nana.

Out of the smoke came out Frieza heavily brused and scratched up. Frieza glared at Nana, "I will not be humiliated!!!" Shouted Frieza he looked at the others.

Frieza held his hand and pointed at

Jaune. Frieza smirked and laughed. Jaune stared at Frieza scared for his life. Frieza lifted his arm up and Jaunes body begam to float in the air. "Jaune!!!" Shouted Pyrrha fear in her eyes. "W-whats going on?!?!?!?" Shouted Jaune. "DIE!!!!" Shouted Frieza as he clentched his hand into a fist.

"Pyrrhaaaaaa!!" Shouted Jaune before blowing up. His sword and shield fell on the ground. "JAUNE!!!!" Screamed Pyrrha as she ran toward his sword and shield. "Jaune!!" Shouted Ren and Nora as they toward Pyrrha.

"Jaune..." said ruby with teary eyes. "No..." said Weiss sadden. "Why him...." said blake also sadden. "He had nothing to do with this..." said Yang also with teary eyes.

Pyrrha sethed jaunes sword and shield and hugged it while crying. Nora and Ren hugged Pyrrha also crying for their fallen friend and leader. Frieza began to laugh.

That monster I otta huh?? You thought to yourself as you stare at Nana.

"You....MONSTER." Nana's voice turned more demonic when when she said monster. Nana clentched her fist and gritted her teeth. Her hair spiked up then lowered and turned gold and back to normal.

"I'll....I'll....I'll.." Began to say Nana. "You'll what?" Asked Frieza with a smirk. Nana glared at Frieza her eyes once black has now turned light blue.

"I'll kill you." Said Nana.

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