The Future and Past Collide

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Future Nana's P.O.V

"HOW DO I CONTROL THIS THING!!!!" I screamed as I was trying my best to maneuver threw the forest. Luckily I managed to escape the forest but I ended up going toward the side of a cliff. "AHHHH!!!!" I screamed once more as I pulled on the stirring wheel causing the ship to move up slowly. The bottom of the Time Machine scrapped the cliff side. 

Once I was over the cliff I saw that I reached Beacon. "Maybe their still here *gasp* maybe we do have a chance at correcting the time stream!!!" I shout with excitement not noticing the fuel has already ran out. "Uh oh...AHHHH!!!" I scream as the ship was falling toward the ground. I let go of the wheel and crossed my arms in hopes that the impact will be less painful. 

Normal P.O.V

There was a small crash at beacon. Everyone ran out to see what the loud crash was about. "What's going on?" Jaune asked looking at the others. "I don't know but what ever it is it was big." Said Ren pointing to the crash site. "Hey that kind of looks like a ship from Atlas?" Nora pointed out. "Yeah your right." Said Pyrrha also noticing.

A few minutes passed and everyone was out looking at the ship. "What is the meaning of this!" Shouted a loud voice. All the students turned around to see Ms. Goodwitch with a irritated look on her face. All the students moved out the way to see a weird looking Atlas ship on the ground somewhat busted up. Before the others could react the window of the ship blew right off.

Everyone pulled out their weapons. Steam emited from within. Everyone was hesitant but stood their ground. They then see a hand grip the side of the ship. Everyone took a fighting stance. Then out of the ship was a girl with spiked raven black hair in a pony tail, with a raggedy black bow on her head, black finger less gloves, an Egyptian scarf looking thing, a raggedy dirt stained white jacket that ends at her chest, a rose like medal necklace hanging around her neck, black leggings, and combat boots.

She looked up at everyone and said, "I made it to be-" Before she could finish her sentence she passed out on the ground. "Don't just stand there take her to the infirmary!!!!" Shouted Ms. Goodwitch as two students picked her up and took her to the infirmary.

"I need to contact Professor Ozpin." Said Ms. Goodwitch as she walked toward his office tower. 

Meanwhile with (Y/n)

I was dodging everyone of Ruby's attacks. I'm surprised she is still going even though her team mates are tired. I thought to myself as Ruby threw one final punch at me, but as always I blocked her attack and flicked her head sending her a few feet away. Ruby kept hitting the ground but eventually stopped.

"Ruby stop pushing yourself, because if you keep this up you won't be able to last another minute." I tell her but she only stood up slowly her hair covering her eyes. I then noticed the silver spark go around her. When it reached her hair it looked like it spiked up for a second. What the hell was that? I thought to myself. Ruby then glared at me and charged me with a war cry.

I quickly go into a fighting stance but before she could reach me our match was interrupted by the intercom. "TEAM RWBY PLEASE COME TO THE INFIRMARY!" said the intercom. I catch ruby's fist, snap my fingers and we all exit the camber of deity's.

"Do you know why we need to go to the infirmary?" I asked them. Ruby was taking deep breaths before replying, "Nope....let's out." Said Ruby as she wiped off the sweat from her fore head.

One quick shower and new clothes later

Team Rwby, Nana, and I were heading toward the infirmary for some odd reason. "Why are we being called to the infirmary?" Nana asked confused. "I don't know." Replied Blake. "You don't think something bad happened to one of our friends do you?" Ruby asked getting quiet worried. "Maybe but let's not get ahead of ourselves." I say as we finally arrive at the infirmary.

"Good your all here." Said Ozpin as he stood up and faced the team. "What's going on Professor?" Weiss asked him. "There's someone I'd like you to meet." Ozpin said as the Team looked at him weirdly. "And who might that be Oz?" I asked him. "It's best if you looked for yourself." Said Ms. Goodwitch.

The Team made their way to the bed to be shocked at who they saw well everyone but Nana she was confused. "I-Is t-that?" Ruby began to say. "I-It c-can't be r-right?" Yang asked looking directly at me. Before I could say a word we all hear the bed creek.

We all turned around to see the girl slowly open her eyes.

Future Nana's P.O.V

All I saw was darkness. Please don't tell me I'm dead after all that shit I've been through!!! I thought to myself. After a while I heard a door open. "Good your all here." said a voice. "What's going on Professor?" Asked a female's voice. "There's someone I'd like you to meet." said the same voice from before. "And who might that be Oz?" said a familiar voice. Wait that voice where have I heard that before? I contemplated in my head.  "It's best if you looked for yourself." Said an older female's voice.

After a while of them asking questions I begin to open my eyes. Once my eyes are fully opened I see HER! "Hey you okay?" she asked me. I couldn't help but grit my teeth and clench my fist. "you!" I growled lowly. Without hesitation I quickly got up off from the bed and threw a punch at her. 

But it was flawed for it was caught by her hand holding my wrist. That only made more angrier, "You....I'll KILL YOU!!!" I shouted as I glared at her. Ruby only looked at me with a shock expression on her face. Everybody else only looked at the scene in front of them looking a tad nervous. 

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