Weiss V.S Frieza

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Yang held onto her little sister crying into her shoulder. "Y-yang?" Said a faint voice. Yang looked at ruby to see her awake but barely. "Ruby!" Shouted Yang and hugged her tightly afraid of letting her go.

"I said who's next!!" Shouted Frieza. Yang was about to go but was stopped by yang. "Don't do it yang he's too strong." Said Ruby a coughing mess. "I-" yang was cut off by a certain white haired heiress walking toward the battle field.

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you." Said Weiss as she readied her rapier. The dust in the containers of her rapier began to spin and stop. "What makes you think you can beat me?" Asked Frieza with a smirk.

Weiss put herself in a sword fighting pose. "Come and find out." Said Weiss with a serious look. Frieza chuckled "we shall indeed." He responded. Weiss and Frieza had a stare down with one another.

Weiss looked at her team. She saw Blake and Nana looking at her with hope. Yang with worry, and ruby with fear. Weiss took a deep breath and stared back at Frieza. They stayed that way for a bit until Frieza charged her.

"Ahhh!" Screamed Frieza as he swung his fist at Weiss but was blocked by her rapier. Frieza kept up with the punches and threw in some kicks into the mix. Weiss managed to block most of the attacks but could not block one of his kicks.

Weiss was kicked in the face and she flew to the other side of the court yard. She slowly got up but ended up receiving a punch to her stomach. She clutched onto her stomach and was kicked away.

Come on Weiss you can do this for Ruby!! Weiss thought as she got back up and readied her rapier. "Enough games let's get this over with" said Frieza as he began to charge up his Ki. Weiss closed her eyes and did a twirl and spin and summoned her glyphs.

A black snow flake like glyph appeared under Frieza. Frieza looked down confused. He tried to move but realized he couldn't. "W-what?!?!" Shouted Frieza. Weiss did more twirls and spins and summoned glyphs around Frieza but were white.

Weiss charged Frieza with her rapier and striked him on the side of his cheek. She jumped up onto one of her other glyphs and kept striking him. She kept up with the attacks and began to slowly gain some speed.

Weiss jumped away and summond more glyphs but this time they three projectiles at Frieza. Each one was a different element. One was fire, the other was earth, water, ice, etc.

She extended her left hand and a white Ki blast shot out of her hand and hit Frieza. There was a lot of smoke. When it cleared they saw Frieza on the ground badly hurt. "Guess you aren't as strong as you say you are." Said Weiss she was about to walk away until she heard him scream.

Weiss turned around to see Freiza's Aura increase but also he began to change. His body arms and legs began to grow bigger his tail grew longer and his horns grew longer and sharper. His voice started to become slightly deeper then before.

Once he was done everyone's eyes widen. All the bruises, bleeding, and scratch marks he had were now gone. Weiss began to back away slowly in fear. "What's wrong princess?" Asked Frieza as he smashed Weiss's face into the floor.

"Scared yet?" Freiza asked again. Weiss kicked him away and charged him. She struck him with her rapier but it deflected off his body. "W-what?!?!" Shouted Weiss shocked. "Looks like your sword can use a tune up." Said Frieza as he kicked her in the air.

Frieza flew toward her and grabbed her and flew back to the ground. He let her go and she crashed into the ground. Frieza looked at the smoke cloud clear to see the unconscious Weiss on the ground her hand losing grasp on her rapier.

"Pittyful." Said Frieza he was about to challenged another person but saw Weiss slowly get back up. He looked at her strangely. When she stood up the crown that held her hair into a pony tail broke and her hair fell down fully.

Her hair covered her eyes. When she showed her eyes the one with the scar had the schnee symbol but it was black. She began to smile evily.

"W-what's wrong w-with weiss?" Asked Ruby between breaths. "I Don't know ruby I don't know." Repeated Yang as she and her sister watch.

Blake and Nana saw her. "What's wrong with Weiss?" Asked Nana. "I think she unlocked something like how I did with my Ki." Said Blake as she and Nana kept watching.

Weiss threw her rapier to the side and began to charge up her Ki. This doenst look good. Thought Frieza as he two charged up his Ki. As Frieza and Weiss were charging up their Ki Weiss had black lightning bolts zapping around her body.

What is she? Frieza thought as he charged Weiss. Frieza threw a punch at Weiss but felt a huge pain coming from his stomach. He looked down to see Weiss's fist deep inside his stomach. Frieza spat out some saliva.

H-How d-did s-she do that?!?!? Frieza thought. In one swift motion she punched Frieza in the face and kicked him away. Frieza got back on his feet and shouted.

"I won't let you make a fool out of me anymore!!" Shouted Frieza as he pointed a finger at Weiss. "Weiss be carful!!" Shouted Ruby but ended up holding her stomach tighter due to her injuries.

Weiss didn't listen and charged up her Ki and lunged at Frieza. Frieza shot her in the arm but Weiss kept on the attack. He shot her in the legs but still kept on.

She punched Frieza in the chest, stomach, face. She extended her left arm and began to charge up her attack. "Icy overdrive!!" Shouted Weiss as a beam of whitish blue like energy was shot out of her hand.

Frieza also shot a beam of energy at hers. The two beams of energy colided with one another and was sending a wave of energy around them.

"You can't beat me so now you will...DIE!!!" Shouted Frieza as his beam outmatched Weiss's and she screamed in pain. Frieza teleported in front of Weiss, grabbed her and smashed his knee on her back.

Weiss screamed in pain as she felt the bones in her back break. "Aww what's wrong dose the princess not want to fight anymore?" Frieza asked as he threw her to the ground and planted his foot on her chest.

"Because I still do." Said Frieza as he slowly leaned forward. This action caused the already broken bones in weiss' s body to break even more. Weiss screamed in pain again tears beginning to run down her cheeks.

Frieza was about to finish her off but was stopped by a Ki blast to the face. He back pedaled a little bit and glared in the direction it came from.

He saw Blake her arm extended and her palm smoking. "Your not done just yet...because It's my turn." Said Blake as her eyes turned from there normal golden yellow into pitch white blank eyes.

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