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The bell rang and both Team RWBY and Team JNPR were walking out of class and now entering the cafeteria. "So how's the Ki training going?" Juane asked Ruby. "We haven't done any at all after the you know the 'incident' in vale a few weeks ago." Replied Ruby awkwardly looking at Juane. 

"Right." Replied Juane with a chill going up his spine. "That reminds me when you 'blew up' where did you go?" Nora asked Juane. "I woke up on a snake path, then when walking I'm met with a building once I entered I'm met with a big red man in a suit with horns." Juane explained. "Then what happened?" Yang asked.

"Well he told me I'm going to well heaven." Juane stated. "What was it like? Did you meet famous dead people? Did you talk to the president's?" Ruby began to asked rapidly. "I don't know the last thing I remember is chatting with a woman with a white hood." Juane stated.

Ruby stopped walking and turned to face Juane. "What did you say?" Ruby asked. "I was chatting with a woman with a white hood?" Juane replied. "Did she have silver eyes?" Ruby asked staring intently into Juane's eyes. "I-I don't know, but that's the only thing I can remember." Said Juane.

"Oh okay." Said Ruby sadden. "Do you know her?" Juane asked. "No but it sounded like someone I knew." Said Ruby staring at the ground. Yang wrapped an arm around her sister comforting her. After the awkward silence had passed they walked into the cafeteria and began to get their food. 

Once they have all their food they sat down at their usual table. "Hey where's (Y/n)?" Asked Pyrrha. Team rwby only shrugged their shoulders.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

 I began to dodge attacks from Goku as he began to rapidly punch in my direction. "At least take this serious Goku and try to hit me." I began to tease. Goku only smirked and began to change his form into a Super Saiyan Blue. "About Time." I say as I charge toward him. Goku charge toward me. Both our arms collided with one another and we began to glare at each other.

We pushed off each other and began to power up to our fullest. "Hey (Y/n) try not to kill him would you." Said Beerus laying down on a lawn chair relaxing. Beside him was Nana. "Let's see what you got." I tell Goku as we lunged at each other.

Goku threw a punch at me but I blocked his attack. I punch Goku in the stomach and kick him away. Before I can go after him Vegeta managed to elbow me in the back of my head. I quickly turn around to block his punch. I head butt Vegeta causing him to float back a bit. I quickly grab his leg and began to spin him around.

Goku burst out of the lake and began to fly towards me. As he neared I threw Vegeta at him causing the two to fall in the water. I began to charge up once more as I see both Saiyan blues come out of the water. Goku held both hands to his side, "!" while Vegeta held both his arms out then aimed both arms at me, "Final!"

I quickly went into a blocking position, "HAAAA/FLASH!" The Two Saiyan's screamed out as a beam of blue and gold shot out of their hands. As the two beams came closer to you they fused into one. As the blue and golden stripped beam hit me I couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed.

Like hell I'm going to lose! I thought to myself as I'm blown away by the beam. I quickly teleport behind the two Saiyans. They both turn around in surprise, before they could react in time I quickly grabbed both their faces and began to forcefully push them back down to the ground. "Oh not again!" Goku muffled as he gripped your hand in hopes of prying it off. 

"I will not be handed by a Deity!!!" Vegeta muffled loudly. Eventually we hit ground making a huge crater. I let go of their faces and back up. The two Saiyan's slowly get back up breathing heavily. I only smirked at the two and powered up more. Vegeta also powered up causing a little bit of rubble to float. 

Goku did the same but his blue god like aura was covered in a red aura. "What's this?" I asked Goku with a raised eyebrow. "Its called Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken." Replied Goku with a serious tone. I smirked and got into a fighting stance, "This should be interesting." I replied as Lunge toward them.

Goku dodged my lunge and Vegeta kneed me in the face. I fell back but I was thrown by Goku in the air. I then see Vegeta looming over me. He claps his hands together and spikes me like a volleyball. I then was about to hit the ground but Goku began to throw random punches at me. Each hit hurt more than I thought it would.

I was then blasted away by Goku. I quickly regained my composure and let my aura free. Vegeta and Goku began to charge toward but once my aura flowed out they were forcefully pushed away. They then tried to fly toward me but every time they did they were pushed back again.

I then held up both my hands and began to create the sphere of destruction. The two Saiyans looked at my actions and began to stand up. Both Goku and Vegeta began to charge up their signature attacks as you charge up yours. "TAKE THIS!" I shout as I threw the sphere at them, the two Saiyans shout out their last words. "HAAA/FLASH!!!" 

Camera pan's to a side view of the attack. As the two beams flew they fused together once more and made contact with the sphere of destruction. The Three attack's began to causing the wind to blow a lot more harder than normal. "Let's do this Vegeta together!" Shouted Goku. "Shut up and power up already!" Vegeta shouted as the two saiyans push even harder then before and began to push the sphere back a bit.

"TIMES 4" Shouted Goku as his power increased and the sphere was pushed further than before. Thunder began to roar around the planet as it too began to shake. "Hey grandpa are you sure we should let him go full power." Nana asked as she looked at Beerus. "It's fine kid I'm sure Goku won't go too crazy." Beerus replied stretching in his lawn chair. "I was talking about dad." Nana said with a -_- look. 

"Like I said I'm sure he won't do anything to rash." Said Beerus. Meanwhile I was pushing the sphere back where's Vegeta and Goku were too pushing it back. "You know you can't keep this up right?" I tell them. "Try us." Replied both Goku and Vegeta in unison with a smirk. "Okay I'll go serious then." I tell them as I regain my composure and straighten my back.

I stand side ways and hold up one arm toward the sphere, "HAAA!" I shout as the sphere began to push through the two beams like nothing. "AHHH!" Screamed both Goku and Vegeta as there was a loud explosion and a bright flash of light. I then land on the ground and began to stretch. I then walk toward the two saiyans on the ground breathing heavily.

"You guys alright?" I asked them. "What's it look like?" Asked Vegeta slightly annoyed. "Sorry about that got a bit carried away." I tell them. "YOU THINK!!!" Shouted Vegeta as he laid on the ground. "Man that was some good sparing practice." Said Goku with his signature laugh. "Practice Pfft HAHAHAHAHA!!!" I began to laugh as I held my stomach.   

"W-What's so Funny?" Vegeta asked sitting up. "You guys thought this was sparing practice?" I asked them giggling. "Was it not?" Goku asked confused. "Nope that was just the warm-up." I tell them with a smirk. The two saiyan's fall back down to the ground with their legs in the air twitching. 

"You think he told them yet?" Nana asked Beerus as she was drinking a smoothie. "Most likely there power levels seem'd to drop." Replied Beerus while eating some ramen noodles. 

God of destruction male reader x Rwby  (Dragon ball super x Rwby)/DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now