The Battle Part Two

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Previously on Dragon Ball Supper.

You rose out of the water and powered up giving the two sayians a death glare. "Show me what impressed my father so much!" You shouted. The two sayians powered up to their supper sayian blue form.

"Time to get serious!" Shouted Goku and Vegeta in unison.


The two sayian blues gave you a glare and got in a fighting stance.  "Ahhhhh!" You began to shout as you charged the two sayians. They also charged you.

You punched Goku in the face. Vegeta tried to go for a sneak attack but you were able to kick him away. "Are you two even trying!" You shouted as you dived toward Vegeta. You grabbed Vegeta's head and a bright yellow outline covered his body.

W-what why c-can't I m-move?! Thought Vegeta as he exploded flying towards the sky. "Oh no...Vegeta get out of there!!" Shouted Goku as he tried to stop you.

You flew towards Vegeta and kept head butting his stomach like how Beerus did with Goku when the first fought. Goku finally caught up to you but you teleported away.

You teleported in front of the two sayians and grabbed their heads. The same yellow outline covered both their bodies. D-damit not again! Thought Goku as you began to forcefully push them back.

Both Goku and Vegeta try to pry your hands of their heads but it was to no avail. "Looks like your son is using your technique my Lord." Said Whis staring at the battle. "It would appear so." Said Lord Beerus.

"Um grandpa?" Nana asked Beerus. "Hmm?" Said Beerus turning his head to Nana. "Why is there head up and blue?" Nana asked curiously. "That my dear is what your race calls a Super Sayian Blue." Replied Whis.

"I thought that was a myth?!" Shouted Nana surprised. "No it's pretty real but that form dose have its limits." Continued Whis. "What do you mean?" Asked Nana. "Look at their stance." Began Whis. Nana turned her head toward the fight.

She sees you high in the air and the two sayians slowly floating out of the lake breathing heavily. Their hair changing from supper sayian blue to their normal hair. "They think they can beat your father." Began Whis. The two sayians charged you. "But..." Said Whis as you flick both their fore heads causing the dorm to disappear. "They have much to learn if they want to outmatch Lord Beerus." Finished Whis.

The two sayians kept falling until you grabbed them both and put them on land. "Aww man your really strong." Said Goku groaning. "Thanks your not bad yourself...but You did leave a lot of openings." You told him.

"Aww man." Whined Goku. "And you seemed stress what's on your mind." You asked Vegeta. "What the hell are you talking about." Shouted Vegeta. "I noticed when we fought you let your anger take over." You told him.

"Tsk. Save it I don't want to hear your bullshit." Said Vegeta looking away. "If you say so I can't wait to fight you two again." You told them with a smile. " time I'll win." Said Goku with a serious tone at the end. You give out a slight chuckle, "Will see about that." You said as you readied whis's staff.

"Come on Nana let's go." You told her. "Okay bye grandpa bye Whis." Said Nana as she gave them one last hug and ran towards you. "Ready?" You asked her. "Ready." Nana replied with confidence. You tapped the ground and in a flash you two were gone.

"Can't believe I'm going to say this but this was fun." Said Vegeta. "I knew it!" Shouted Goku with a smirk. "Shut up." Replied Vegeta.

Team Rwby P.O.V

Ruby and Yang were playing a video game together. Weiss was studying like usual. Blake was reading her book. "Wow sis your bad at this game." Said Yang with a smirk. "Says the one who couldn't make the first jump." Teased Ruby. "Oi! It's not my fault I haven't played this game in a while." Shouted Yang.

"Hey I just thought of something." Said Weiss catching her teams attention. "Y/N never told us were he was going to." Began Weiss. "You think he's in trouble." Said a worried Ruby. "He's a God of destruction I'm sure he's fine." Said Yang.

Meanwhile with You.

"Ahhhh!" You and Nana shouted while trying to dodge a giant astroid field. "Why did you think this was a good idea!" Shouted Nana at you. "I thought it was a short cut!" You shout back while almost running into a giant astroid.

A few hours later.

You and Nana finally arrive at Becon. The two of you walk until you are in front of the door. You open the door and faceplant into the floor. "Y/n!" Shouted Team Rwby. "What happened to him?" Asked Ruby.

"And why is he all sweaty?" Asked Weiss slightly disgusted. "He was fighting two strong warrior's at the same time." Replied Nana. "Two strong warrior's you mean there stronger then Y/n?" Asked Blake. "No they were strong but not that strong." Said Nana again.

Everyone grabbed a limb and placed you on Blake's bed. "So what now?" Asked Blake. "Train!" Shouted Nana as she teleported everyone to the chamber of deities. "Nana how did you do that!?" Shouted Blake surprised. "With this." Said Nana holding the staff.

"Wait but what about our training Gi's?" Asked Yang. Nana tapped the ground with the staff and the Girls clothing turned to there Gis. "Now as leader of team Rwby let's learn how to use Ki!" Shouted Ruby.

"Yeah." Agreed the others.

Meanwhile somewhere in space.

"So when should we attack Reminant?" Asked ???. "Soon really son but until then we wait." Said ???. "What ever you say Zamasu."

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