Faunes vs. Deity

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Without warning you charged Blake with blinding speed. You kicked her away causing Blake to earn a few bruises when she hit the ground.

Blake slowly stood up holding onto her left arm in pain. You teleported behind her and kicked her again. You did the same thing but kicked her upwards. Once she was high enough in the air you teleported in front of her and spiked her into the ground.

Smoke covered the area. You flew down and landed a few ways away from the smoke. Once it dissipated Blake stood up covered in bruses and dirt.

"What's the matter can't take a punch?" You taunt her. Blake gripped her fist and charged you with a war cry. She punched you but was to no affect. "Are you even....TRYING!" You shouted the last part as you punched Blake hard in the stomach.

Blake spat out saliva and fell to the ground unconscious. "What was that for!" Shouted Ruby angry. "I just thought she-" you were cut off by Weiss shouting. "What you thought that she'll be able to withstand a punch like that!!"

"Yeah?" You said cluelessly. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Shouted RWY in unison. While distracted with the rest of team Rwby Nana noticed that Blake was slowly standing up emitting a small dark aura.

"Umm guys?" Said Nana catching everyone's attention. "What's wrong Nana?" Asked Ruby. "Look!" Nana screamed pointing at the slowly rising Blake.

When you turned around you were met with a black blur running at you. You tryed to block but was met with a hard punch to the stomach. You clenched your stomach and fell on one knee.

A hand forced you to look up. Once you did you saw Blake covered in a black aura that took a form of a tiger with four long tails. Her pupils were small as if she were hypnotize.

She lifted you up and kicked you away. She some how got behind you and kicked you in the air. But what surprised you the most was that she had the black beam of energy in her hands.

"Yahh!" Screamed Blake as she held out both her hands and shot the beam out of her hands. You blocked the attack but it sent you to hit the ground hard. Blake lands on the ground breathing heavily.

"Ahh!" You shouted as you powered up but the rooms gravity stayed the same. "Looks like I have to be serious now." You said with a smirk. Blake however growled and powered up.

"What's happening to Blake?" Asked Nana worried. "I don't know." Said ruby confused. "I hope Y/n knows what he's doing." Said Weiss. "Only one way to find out." Said Yang as they watched the match.

Blake charged you and you charged her. The two of you throw punches at one another each punch colideing with the other sending a shockwave around the chamber. You fell back and charged Blake again.

Blake did the same. When the two of you met in the middle you punched Blake in the face. Where's Blake punched you in the stomach. You moved as you kept your fist on her head. Blake did the same and a giant gust of wind was being created as the two of you moved.

You backed off again and stood still. Blake did the same but was breathing heavily through her clenched teeth. You placed your hands by your hip. "Kaa." You began to chant.

Blake opened her mouth and a black sphere began to form her mouth. "Meeehaaameeee." You began to say as the blue beam in your hands began to glow bright. Blake was now ready to release her beam.

"Haaaa!" You screamed and the blue beam shout out of your hands. Blake drew back her head then forward and released the black beam of energy toward your blue beam of energy.

The two beams collided one another causing another gust of wind. The wind was so strong that it made Nana and the rest of team Rwby to cover their eyes. Blake held her ground where's you were somewhat struggling.

"What are you!" You shouted staring Blake down. "I'm her anger, her sadness, her sorrow, I....am......the corruption!" Blake screamed in a demonic voice. "Yahhh!" Blake screamed as her aura covered her entire body and began to increase. The tiger like aura around her began to grow.

Her golden eyes changed into pitch white eyes. Like if her eyes were gone and all was left was all white.

Her aura then began to go into the beam and her beam grew and began to over flow yours. "No....you....dont!" You shouted and began to power up also and your beam began to counteract hers.

Now a giant half black and blue sphere was created. "Ahhh!" You screamed and your beam overwhelmed Blake's.

"Gahh!" Screamed Blake as she was covered in the beam. You walked over to Blake who was breathing heavily and badly hurt. "Hehehe....that was fuuu-" you didn't get to finish your sentence since you passed out next to Blake.

Later that day.

You woke up sensing danger. You slowly stood up and walked towards the window of the dorm. You look out to see a circular ship fly pass Becon and land in the emerald forest.

It was a circular ship with yellow Windows and a black top. "Oh no." You said with a worried expression.

God of destruction male reader x Rwby  (Dragon ball super x Rwby)/DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now