Chapter 3

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(A/N I decided to put them in chapters instead of having a title for every part. Hope you guys don't mind)

After I dialed my roommates, Theo said to go downstairs for dinner. I decided to take a quick shower since I noticed how rugged and filthy my clothes were. I took out a pair of sweats, a cami, and a cardigan out from the wardrobe.

How did they know my size?

I turned on the warm water and showered. Some hot water came out of the golden shower head. I moaned in pleasure. Finally some actual cleaning. I saw the lavender shampoo and grabbed it. I sniffed the bottle.


Squirting some on my hand I massaged it into my hair. The shower process begun in pure bliss.

After I got out of the best shower I've ever had in my life, I dried with the soft towel that was draped on one of the golden towel drapes.

I discarded my old clothes on the bed and dried my blond hair.

When I was getting dressed, I heard knocks on my door.

Please don't be Theo.

Especially when I'm half naked in his house.

"Who is it?" I asked as I brought the towel to my lap.

It must be Amy.

I walked out just in my sweats and cami and saw Theo. His eyes went wide and I quickly covered myself. Blushing, I turned around. "What do you want? And please notify that it's you first." I noted.

"Well you are late to dinner. Umm..put some clothes on and head downstairs, everyone is waiting for you."

"O-okay," I say as I rushed back into the room.

How embarrassing. I got my cardigan and headed downstairs. I walked down the corridor to the dining room and saw Theo sitting at the dinner table. There were only two plates set. It looked like a date?

"Sit down," Theo insisted. We are going to talk about things"

"Umm...okay?" I sat down. There were piles of food setting on the table.

"So for starters, What is your favorite color?"

"Blue and yours?"

"Green. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes, two brothers and a little sister"

"I have two brothers and two sisters"

"Let me ask a question. What is your favorite thing to do?"

"Act. Umm.. do you agree to be my fake girlfriend?"

"Fine yes. But nothing more than being that, right?"

"So rules?" I nodded. "Let me see. No touching. You will have to kiss me, though. Just act like you're in love" I nodded.

"Okay." I said with food in my mouth making Theo laugh. What's with you and laughing at me?"

"Because you act silly!"

"I do not!"

"Yea you do!"

"Whatever. So what do you look in a girl and why do you need me to be your fake girlfriend?

"Well I like girls that are chill. Especially around me being famous. I really don't like someone who would like me because of my fame or money. I like girls that are serious in a relationship. That won't make me regret my decision. I want a girl who is carefree. Won't take anything too seriously. I don't know just a nice woman. Also why not?"

"Well picky pants. Umm.... I can do that. Maybe?"

"Picky pants? How old are you?"

"Yes because you are pretty picky" We laughed. The rest of the dinner was just us laughing and asking questions.

When I got to bed, I was pretty tired from talking. I learned a lot about his life and he did too. It was really interesting how unperfect his life was. I, being a troubled child, never had anyone who was really close to me.

But gosh these sheets are like a cloud.

Then I thought about my past.

How the fuck did I get to be this successful?

I was a foster child and never really had parents. I 'had' parents before they abandoned they're family. My siblings and I were together forever. We always stayed in the same house, always did the same things, and always stayed together. I was treated badly by my foster parents. Being in the middle was tough. My brother Mark, who is a middle child too, didn't get treated badly as I did. Since I was always busy with school work, my foster parents thought I was lazy and whipped me. I had multiple scars on my body. When it got worse, I cut. I always thought it brought out my pain and made me feel happy. My older brothers always asked why I had a lot of bracelets on and i just said I wanted to but the real reason was to cover up my scars. I had to stand up for my little sister but one time I almost died. My foster parents were punishing my sister because she wasn't being nice to their kids. When I got home, I saw my sister in blood. I pushed my foster father out of the way and they started to whip me. Mike, my eldest brother, called the police and they arrested my foster parents for child abuse. It was f**king worth it. I always hated some of my foster parents.

I woke up from the nightmare. The same nightmare I've had since I was little. It was about my parents dying. This time it was the worst. I was crying, sweating, and screaming. Theo came into my room.

"Are you okay?"

"N-no I just had a nightmare"

"You wanna talk about it?" I nodded. Theo climbed in bed with me. His smell was amazing. "Don't be scared of me" he laughed. "So what's wrong?" I told him about what happened.

"It was just a nightmare about m-my past. I don't want to talk about it right now," I wrapped myself in the sheets.

He nodded and pointed to the door.

"No. Please stay here with me" He nodded and climbed in bed with me. We kept distance from each other the whole night. I wanted to keep it like that. During the night, I didn't go to my hell land where I always go in for my terrible nightmares. When I woke up, my head was on top of Theo's chest and we were cuddling. I slowly pushed myself away and blushed. I think I woke him up.

"Well good morning" he said as he leaned down to one of my pillows. We were just giggling until Amy came in.

"Hey Kristal. Have you seen Mr. Ja- woah," Amy said. "Umm. I think I found him. I'll excuse myself." And walked away really embarrassed.

"Look what you did!" I said and blushed. Theo just laughed and got out of bed.

"Remember the coffee. I want to know a lot about you." he said and winked. I had to push him out off the room. I shut the door completely laughing to myself. I think my face was abnormally red. Then I realised.

Am I falling for Theo James?

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