Chapter 21

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I opened to a new page. All the pages so crisp and new like before.

Day 478- March 15, 2010

Fuck yes!! The day where I am done with stupid ass schools such as High School. I loved the look on my cousins face when my name was called and I got in 2nd on my GPA score which is kinda badass.

I laughed to myself.

I am free! Well until UNI. I'm going to the college of my choice since 1) my parents don't really care bc we're going to UK anyways 2) I have the 2nd best score in the whole school. I'm going to the University of Cambridge which might seem like a old ass school to go to but it might be awesome. And I'm studying in Business because my father (you know the good one that adopted me after that Richard incident) encouraged me to study that since I was good in math. Well good in everything but mostly math and stocks. The classes that I took were full of people with glasses, coffee, and laptops. Typing, reading, and drinking coffee. You know the usual. Anyways, I'll miss my friends but not the bullshit end of my family. I love this family but some parts of them think that I'm a rebel and hate me. Well I hate them too. Well we are moving to another house close to Cambridge. Somewhat in between London and Cambridge. So instead of my family being two hours from me, they are half an hour to an hour away from me. I'll be living in a apartment with some roommates. I get my own room and most of the time I won't even try to have a friendship with them anyways. So time to pack my boxes!

-Kristal Elizabeth Jones

I closed the journal as someone knocked on my door. It was Mark, my brother. "Hey so I heard the news. Mom's balling in the living room right now" he said as he sat down next to me.

"I'm pregnant?" I shrugged. He laughed.

"Well I never thought my younger sister would conceive a child before my future wife that I would never find in my life does" he patted my shoulder. "I knew that Theo James acting guy had something in him." I pushed him.

"Well you better find the future wife that you would never find in your life because Theo and I are getting married" he sat there in awe. Mark and I talked for a bit before Theo came in.

"You alright?" Theo asked.

"Hey future brother in law, can I speak to you?" Mark asked him as Theo shook his head. They both kissed my head and exited the room. I flipped to a marked page in the journal. I knew what the page was talking about.

Day 264 February 25, 2006

The fight lead on to when my brother, Mike, left the house. I mean he could drive but where? Where would he drive to? After that, Richard went and got drunk and that's when it got intense. He started yelling and throwing glass bottles. I led Sky to her room and kissed her goodnight. Mark was with me when Richard started destroying the family room. Mark tried to stop him but got a punch with that. I knew Mark was a fighter and he moved out of the way so all he got was a busted lip. Martha, my foster mom, came home and she was yelling at us for letting her stupid drunk of a husband destroy her 'little perfect room'. Mark rushed me out of the room whispering, "Asshole". I ran back to my room and heard whimpering. It was Skylar. She was in my bed crying holding her little teddy bear. She told me that she was scared and I promised her that I will protect her. Skylar and I were inseparable. The next morning which is today actually. (I'm writing at night) I went to school as usual but my high school was under construction and we got off early. So Mark who was a senior there offered to give me a ride. I normally get off later than he does and I have to walk home and get Sky. When we arrived to her Daycare, they said she and the other kids that my foster parents had have been picked up early by my parents. Ugh I hate calling them parents. We quickly drove home and heard yelling at the front door. We opened it to see my father whipping Sky. She was all covered in blood.

It all goes like this.

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