Chapter 14

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Theo packed his suitcases quietly as I picked on the hem on his T-shirt I was wearing. My back pressed against the mahogany headboard as I softly sobbed not wanting him to hear. The leather suitcase pressed against my toes as I scanned through the piles of clothes stacked on the bedspread. Theo and I didn't look each other in the eye while he stuffed the bags. Even the occasional glances made me rip my eyes from him. Not wanting to tear this relationship apart, his hand engulfed my shoulder and his lips pressed against my temple. his words moved gracefully, "I don't want to get away from you..."

"I know, but you need to move on with your job. How wonderful would it be if you had a great job and loads of money, Theo. You are so lucky." I closed my eyes wanting to seal from the tears spilling. I felt the bed dip and Theo was next to me pressing my head on his shoulder. He was wearing my favorite sweater. The blue knitted sweater he always wore for me. I pulled the hem of his sweater.

"I know, but everything I need is what I'm looking at right now," I heard him sigh deeply. "I wish you could stay," I spoke quietly while leaning my head on his shoulder. The thought of him leaving made my stomach sick. I leaped out of his arms to the bathroom. He loosened his embrace of me and I rushed towards the toilet emptying the contents of my stomach. My blond hair was brushed away from face and held back. I knew it was Theo. He rubbed my back and sighed again. 

"Are you alright?" His face tightened not wanting to leave my side. 

I wanted him to film the movie and lied, "Yea, I'm alright...just a stomach bug, I think" 

I washed my face and cleaned my mouth from the reminisce of my lunch. Theo stood by the door frame wanting to tell me to go to the doctor. I smiled weakly to symbolize that I was alright. I walked out of the bathroom with him right on my tail. He pushed past me and to the bed.He got a box out of the drawer. I shockingly stood there with my mouth open. He gracefully pulled me closer, I could feel the warmth against his chest. I stammered, "You're not proposing, right?"

A smile crept up on his face and he laugh stating a simple 'no'. I calmed down and my breaths slowed down. "Well, this is a ring...for you," he opened the box and there was a beautiful ring inside. The shiny diamond ring glimmered through the light. It's silver band showed through the velvet backing of the box. Tears brimmed my eyes. For once today, happy tears. 

"That's so beautiful," my tears fell and I looked up swallowing the gasps of air. I looked down again to his face. 

"It's my grandmother's ring, I noticed the ring you had by your nightstand and thought of a promise ring for you. I adjusted it and here it is," he held the box in his hand and grabbed my right hand. He chuckled at his saying, "Here's my speech, I guess," his rosy cheeks shown through the tears that built up in my eyes restricting me to see anything but blurs. "I fell in love with you the moment I saw your pretty hazel eyes. I loved how they glistened in the night. No matter how much I'd like to forget the horrible moment that was supposedly when we met. The guilt inside of me, scaring you like that and kidnapping you," I remembered that moment. It was only a few months ago and I smiled. His words came out of his mouth, "It took me so fucking long to notice that I was falling for you. Even though I thought you hated my guts. I smiled whenever I would turn on you phone and see my face flashing across from it. Some nights ago, we made love. I, being the overly awkward guy, thought that you didn't want it. I love you so fucking damn much. If you don't understand, go ask the guys and Harry. He was the one who hit me with a dating book he had on his desk. Trust me, Harry Styles knows his facts. That's why he has a loving fiance even though they started out as people that hate eachother's guts. For a matter of fact, I was pretty jealous of that lad. You know having everything I had but he had more. A lover. Someone that anchored him down to the ground. Someone that could give you unconditional love. Someone that I never had. Until I met you, you anchored me down, gave me unconditional love, I could seriously talk to you for hours," I laughed softly trying not to interrupt, "I got this from Harry but whatever, right? Well here we go, this is a promise ring. I promise you to the day I die, I will never let you go. So as I've heard, Kristal Elizabeth Burke, until the day my life ends I will never let you go. Can you take this ring in a sign of love and forgiveness, and promise with me that you won't let go of me. Even though I have to fight my ass off for you everyday. When the time comes I will place another ring on you right hand for our engagement and then another ring for our wedding. I love you. So will you take this ring?" 

I screamed in happiness, "Yes of course, you dumbo!" The ring fit perfectly on my finger. His lips pressed against mine softly and his strong arms wrapped around me. I smiled into the kiss until he pulled away wanting more.

"I think you need to get ready," he ushered me to the bathroom as I giggled like a school girl. I turned around to the mirror and saw my teary eyes and started to wash my face. I lightly dusted the make-up on my face, and put on my clothes. I looked around for a pair of sandals and looked at how the ring glittered in the bathroom light. The light creme blouse, baby pink skinny jeans, and my golden accessories blended together perfectly. Paired with the new ring. I loved it.

"Babe, I thought we need to go to the airport in thirty and I took a long time to get ready so we need to go in five," I came out of the bathroom grabbing my purse. He pouted with his nerdy glasses on. His attire wasn't too bad for a 'high class actor flying overseas' His black tight jeans copied from the curly headed boy, the white v-neck restricted the beautiful view of his abs, and the black leather jacket that sat on his strongly built shoulders. 

"Fine! But one more kiss!" He said as he crushed his lips into mine.

The airport was crowded as usual, the people in there wanting to search their way though to their gates. I embraced Theo for the last time after his friends. The guys of One Direction and their girlfriends said their goodbyes. He pulled me away from the crowd getting his own privacy with his girlfriend. 

"I'll miss you, too. Have a good flight" I nudged my head onto his shoulder.

"Remember" He whispered into my ear and leaned back. Theo picked up his suitcase and waved goodbye to everyone. He turned around to walk to his gate. The footsteps echoed through the loud airport. Even though anyone else couldn't hear them, I could. The footsteps echoed loudly like the empty space in my heart. I cried softly wanting him to run back and pull me into his arms. 

"Goodbye Theo" I whispered to myself as the tears came rushing down. "I will remember, I promise"

Goodbye, Theo.

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