Chapter 23

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I turned to the next page. I've read this part so many times, the pages seem weak.

I woke up to beeping beside me. Right next to me I see Sky sleeping on top of Mark and Mike in a chair beside them. The beeping of that machine won't fucking stop. I tried to get up but I felt the gravity of pain pull me down making the bed creak. Mike's eyes flew open as the others just kept sealed. "Hey" he said in his worried voice. He carried the chair and sat it next to the bed. Taking my hand and soothing it softly like he always did. "Well, how do you feel?" He asked.

"What happened?" I asked. He sighed.

"You got shot in the shoulder, the doctors had to preform surgery to get the bullet out of you right away. After that you were in a coma for two days"

"What about him"

"He's in jail for child abuse and his case is in three weeks" he squeezed my hand. "We thought you weren't going to make it"

"But I did" I whispered.

"Yes you did, get some rest kiddo" he patted my arm.

I closed the journal. All of the memories are flowing through my mind like it was just yesterday. Now that was my dark past. I never revealed it to anyone I loved. I traced the patterns that are carved into the leather fabric. I remembered carving designs into them with a pair of scissors in class. I loved the way my fingers felt when they danced across the abused journal. I started writing my life down on paper when I was eleven. That's when I got a journal from Mike for Christmas. I doodled then started writing. Even though it was just a plain composition notebook, it was full of memories of my past. Of course I wouldn't want to relive those memories but some of them, I want to cherish. I felt my childhood come together again.

Theo's POV

"Well well. Months together and you're already going to be a daddy" Mark patted my back. "Welcome to the family"

"Are you going to kill me or something?" I asked. He looked at me funny.

"No. Hey, just treat my sis correctly. She's one of the two girls I love the most. So if you hurt her, I'll kill you for sure"

"Just making sure" we laughed.

"So I better get going" he said running down the steps. "Be safe"

I walked back into the room and saw Kristal reading through something. "Hey babe. Whatcha reading?" I asked as I sat next to her.

"Nothing. Just some old journals" she said as she flipped through another page.

"Can I read some?" I questioned. She nodded still peaking out of the book. I picked up the notebook with pink duct tape on it. I opened it and saw beautiful drawings on the front. "Babe, you're a great artist"

"Oh those are some doodles" she exclaimed and read through her book.

"Doodles? I can't draw for shit!" she pushed me. I flipped to a random page.

Day 564 April 19, 2010

School. School. School. Those words echoed through my mind constantly. Even writing right now, those damn words. Well now it's April and spring time!! Yay! But really? I'm tired of the rain and pouring of water next to my window. I love London but the amount of rain can fill up an ocean. Which it does scientifically. I started reading this book called 'The Hunger Games' and it's pretty freaking awesome! I just scrolled through the book store then bam a new book on the shelf. I love the character Katniss Everdeen, I think. She is just a strong image of what a woman should look like. Well women that care. I'm not trying to be sexist or anything but Katniss seems like a girl that is not like a girl. Doesn't care about what she looks like or checks the mirror every five seconds to reapply her mascara. She is the girl that fights and tries to survive. Now Peeta is the charming prince in disguise. He's the shy one that is quiet around his crush but secretly hands them a piece of chocolate type of boy. I don't know what's up with me and this book but it's awesome sauce. I wish I could be like Katniss. Wait I think I am?

(7k? OMFG!! Like I'm freaking out right now but I have to keep it in bc my family is sitting over here. Thank you for reading this fanfic. I never even thought this book will come this far but it did. Now question of the chapter, "Is Kristal like Katniss?" Just a simple question. I think yes bc Kristal is the character I created from the perfect girl mixed with Tris and Katniss. She did protect her sister and stood up to her abusive father. Well I'm writing this at midnight and I need sleep. Anyways see you guys later. Bye! xx)

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