Chapter 32

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Ruth's POV

The ringing shot through my head as I yelped in pain. The sun blinded my eyes as I sat up pissed and hungover.

Gosh I hated this part of partying.

By the time my headache has disappeared, I was starting to get into the shower. The hotness of the water splashing on my back was amazing.

I walked downstairs to a fantastic smell of breakfast. Hmm. There was bacon, eggs, and toast on a platter with orange juice on the side.

Typical Josh.

I read the note, Good morning, I made you breakfast and just in case there is some black coffee and meds there, too. We have a meeting at 3 so be there. All I did was clean you up and redressed you since you were tired and in the state of sleeping. Anyways, bye. -Josh

I folded the note and started to eat the stacks of food laid out on the counter.

Josh's POV

I hated myself.

I went to go pick up Ruth for the meeting. When I knocked on the door a few times she answered. Her appearance was amazing. The floral top matched her handbag and shoes as her light washed jeans stuck onto her legs. The blond hair she had was up in a messy bun. "You ready," I asked as she looked in the mirror one last time.

She answered with a faint, "Uh huh" and nodded her head. Her figure walked past me like I was non existent.

Well I was to her. Just her assistant.

Ruth's POV

The meeting was full of people lecturing me over going out all night in front of the media.

I don't care.

After the lecturing was over I took a cab to my next destination. With a newspaper in my hand I read, Richard Edenson has been released from prison. Edenson had been sent to prison for 6 years for child abuse of Kristal Burke. The prisoner had shot his foster daughter while in an abusive argument. Kristal Burke, now actor Theo James' fiancé, has confessed in trial six years ago. Now Edenson is now on patrol in England.

Perfect. I arrived at the abandoned looking apartment were my secret meeting was held.

With Richard Edenson.

The walk to his place was fairly short. After skipping through the trash and old newspapers I found the room he was at.

Room 604.

I knocked twice until he answered. Richard was rugged looking and asked grumpily, "What do you want?" His appearance shocking me the most.

"I have something I would like you to do for me," I said bluntly. I didn't know what to react.

He leaned his hand against the door and looked around to suspect something. "Come in," he ordered. Once he moved far away from me, I walked into the most disgusting apartment I've ever seen. Take out boxes to old newspapers were scattered throughout the floor and furniture. "What do you want me to do?" his voice seemed orderly and stern.

"You know Kristal Burke, right?" I asked scared. His eyes peered through the take out boxes to mine.

He was a dangerous criminal.

"That bitch has a fancy last name now? Gosh times have changed," he patted his thigh in excitement. "You know she is dating this famous dude named Theo James? Some girls in prison were talking about them"

"He was my ex boyfriend," I looked down. "You don't look like you're from around here"

"I transferred here with my family. Now what do you want me to do? Threaten him to get back with you; kidnap him; break them apart?" his hands were raised up in the air.

"I want you to kidnap Kristal and I'll handle things by myself," I ordered and slammed the note that included their address on the table. "Next week at the abandoned factory on North Street. I better have her untouched there on time"

"What's in for me?" he offered.

I had everything ready.

I crossed my arms, "I'll give you three million pounds in exchange"

His face was delighted, "Just her?"

He wants more money.

"Just her," I finished.

We finished off the deal. I needed to do this. My phone rang when I got back to my place.


I faked my grogginess and spoke, "Hey Josh what's up?"

"Are you drunk?" was the first sentence that came out.

I answered directly, "No..."

Josh's voice came out to be a deep, flat voice with a British tone, "Okay, just wondering. Where did you go after the meeting?"

That question got me thinking about my alibi.

I answered carefully, "Just to go get some lunch and then I just chilled out at my place, why?"

I heard him swallow, "Just wanted to know. I should get going..."

"Okay bye"


Josh's POV

I ended the call.

I hated myself. I wanted to call her so confess about what happened last night.

I just didn't tell her.

I wanted to, I really did. I just couldn't. It was like someone was holding me back from telling her the truth.

Guess it's the love I had for her that held me back.

And I hated it.


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