Chapter 5

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I sat there after Theo's lips were released from mine. 

Did I feel a spark?

No no never think of that!

"Are you alright?" I snapped out of my thoughts as Theo came face to face with me. I stared at him wide eyed. "Kristal, are you alright?" 

"Sorry?" I was shaken up a bit. "Oh, yep I'm a-alright..." Theo looked at me questionably.

"Sorry about that" Theo said while rubbing the back of his neck. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I shrugged in my seat. 

I hate it when people here always apologize. "No problem, just please tell me next time," I laughed.

He was completely confused, "I did tell you to kiss me," he laughed. 

I replied back harshly, "But you just plunged in! It felt like my first kiss even"

He chuckled quietly while my cheeks heated up again, "Plunged..."

I thought about my use of words and being the Theo he is, took it sexually. "Really? I thought you were twenty nine," I crossed my arms and looked at him. 

"Minus twenty five," he corrected and pouted. The pout didn't last that long until he bursted out laughing.

"You're four?"

"Well haven't you watched Divergent? Yea, I'm Four alright"

Are you kidding me?

"Just be serious, please?" He straightened up in his seat and sipped his coffee innocently almost choking from the hidden laughter.

I decided to change the subject, "So what made you interested in acting?"

His face rose from the paper cup, "I just loved it and I wanted to show how talented I was. Again I was pretty shy and I wanted to break out of my bubble"

"You had a bubble?"

His face got serious, "Don't you have a bubble to break?" 

"I mean I do but you're so," I paused at the word, "energetic?" I questioned my choice of words again. 

"And that's why I took the part in Divergent," he puts his I think empty coffee cup on the table and took a bite of my muffin. 

"You mean be 'Four'? And that's my muffin!"

"I bought it but yes as Four!" he shouted like a five no I mean Four year old.

"Why did you bite it?" I whined. He shoveled part of the muffin in his mouth teasing me. 

"Fine!" he pushed the muffin into my cheek. "There you can have it!"

"Ewww! Your spit is all over it! Mr. Muffin is dead! You muffin killer!" I wiped off the excess muffin crumbs on my cheek. 

"Mr. Muffin was pretty delicious," he licked his long fingers. 

"But Mr. Muffin was my best friend..." I acted like a child.

"Well he's in here," he patted to his stomach. "And I killed him!"

I pouted, "Can we get out of here? Cameras and screaming thirteen year olds aren't my thing"

He got out of the chair and ushered me out of the coffee shop mumbling, "If you like this, you're going to love the attention Harry gets"

"You mean Harry Styles?" I asked and he nodded when we were out in the open. "Like the Harry Styles?" 

"No, I know Harry Potter" 

"How d-did're friends with the Harry Styles?"

"He's more like a brother to me," he bragged.

My inner fangirl was rising up, "What? As in he can come to your house anytime he wants to?" 

"Yep and he has the key," he smiled showing his pearly white teeth. 

"Oh meh godd!" I commented getting into the car. I saw Theo shaking his head while starting the car. "Don't look at me like that! Harry is like......well he's Harry Styles" 

"Okay stop fangirling and tell me the address to your parents house," he quickly got out of the parking.

I told him the address and we were driving. I always loved it when I was with my foster parents. My parents insisted in living close to the city since of their jobs and I grew up there. Well part of my life grew up there. 

Since of my father owning his own highly sucessful company, we lived in a somewhat big house. Well I didn't notice it until we were going into the gates and the house was now uncovered from the trees and shrubbery. 

"So, you didn't tell me that your parents were filthy rich." He said as we got out of the car.

"Theo, you didn't ask. Just act cool around my father and brothers."

"Ok, good thing I'm an actor." We knocked on the door and my little sister, Kaylee, answered.

"Kristal!! I miss you" she said. 

"I miss you too, little eight year old!" I replied.

"Hey. Kaylee right?" Theo said. "I'm Theo, your sister's boyfriend.

"Ohh! Boyfriend!" She teased.

I elbowed his side, "What?" he defended.

"What is going on here! Oh Kristal! You are back!" My mother said. We all hugged. When we came in, I saw my two brothers and my father watching football (not actual football in the US).

"Hi, I'm Theo" Theo greeted. My brothers waved at him. They were always too into the game. My father went up and greeted Theo.

"Hello, I'm Kristal's father. You must be her boyfriend? Oh welcome to the family, Theo" My father greeted. I shrugged. What will they do when they find out Theo and I aren't actually together.

"Well I just came here to visit. Theo has a lot of plans" I said.

"Wait you are the actor Theo James? Right?" Mike asked.

"From the movie 'Divergent"? Mark asked.

"Yea. I'm an actor."

"Well Mr. James, sit down let's talk for a bit."

We all sat down to the same awkward conversation. Every time I bring a boy home, my father and brothers have to get into my business. They are just too overprotective. They asked questions like 'Are you going to treat Kristal well?' or 'How long have you two been dating?'

When we were done with my parents house, I was so embarrassed. "Well that was fun!" Theo said. I slapped him playfully.

"Wow. I didn't know we were dating for three months. Also our first date was at the park? Oh, and did I mention that we met at the mall? You're a pretty great actor, Taptiklis," I referred to his real last name which made me chuckle.

"Sorry! That was all I could think of. You know, improvising"

"Well I should give you a script next time, Oh and by the way, you are lucky my family likes you. I think because you are twenty nine and I'm twenty two."


We got back to the house and continued our days. Theo had to go to a meeting with his management so I just sat around the house with my phone and got bored. 

Well maybe some cleaning? 

I continued my day with the laundry and the cleaning until I got exhausted. Without changing, I plopped myself on the bed and fell asleep.

What a day?

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