Chapter 40

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Harry's POV

Everything hurts. Even when I breathe it hurts my ribs.

I groan as the bright light hits my eyes. It felt like the whole world was spinning around, I heard a few voices and a hand touched mine. The feeling was so soft and silky.


"It's been a week, b-babe. P-please wake u-up" I twitched my hand trying to get up. My eyes burned from the light. I groaned again. I felt my hand lay back onto the bed and heard screeching. Probably the chair I thought. "D-doc-tor!" she yelled.

I slowly fluttered my eyes back and forth. I need to wake up for Kayla.

Get up god dammit! Get up for your girlfriend!

I fluttered them some more.

Just open your eyes!

A few loud footsteps came closer to me. Of course I'm at the hospital, just because I couldn't beat that guy's ass and he kicked my gut. Great let's hear from the fans now.

The doctor checked my eyes making me blink a few times. I groaned again and fluttered my eyelids. "Ughh," I groaned.

"Mr. Styles is awake," the doctor exclaimed. I heard her sobs slow down a bit. Her soft hand went to the previous spot. I shifted my eyes at her.

"Hi..." I smiled weakly. She chuckled a bit. Just like when I saw her the first time.

"Hi," she kept on chuckling while the tears ran down her face.

Her voice.

"How's Elgort?"

"Babe, worry about yourself first"

"Come on babe, I want to know how he is"

"Ansel got skimmed in the arm by the bullet, pretty bruised"

"I need to go see him..."

"He's unconscious and you should rest," she kissed my forehead. I nodded in response.

Kayla's POV

I ran my fingers through his thick curls. God I love him.

"Excuse me?" I heard someone say. It was the doctor.

"Is there something wrong with him?" I pointed to Harry.

He shook his head sadly, "No, it's Mr. Elgort," he looked over to the clipboard and flipped the papers.

"How is he?"

"Sorry to say but Mr. Elgort is in a coma," he rubbed his forehead.

Ansel is in a coma?

I stood up not wanting to wake Harry. "What do you mean?"

The doctor plunged his hand into his slack pocket. "Mr. Elgort had a concussion when he arrived. He survived severe head injury, I don't know when he will wake up yet," he looked at me sadly. "Does he have any close family or friends?"

"Not in the UK...are you sure you can't do anything else?"

"Yes Mrs. Styles, we tried everything"

I plopped down in my chair, "I'll try to contact them as soon as possible," and with that he went out of the room. I looked back at Harry. His breaths coming out as puffs from his mouth, him softly snoring.

I grabbed my phone that was laying carelessly on the stand and scrolled through my messages. Most of them were about how sorry they felt but one was from Calum. Yes Calum Hood. I swiped my phone to unlock and tried to go through his messages.

You see, Calum is my brother, my twin brother to be exact. Since Calum took me to his first show with One Direction, my eyes never left this curly haired boy named Harry. Calum made rules at the beginning of his big career with One Direction. 1) Dont date any of them and 2) Be nice. I laughed at the rules in the beginning. I never knew that I could fall in love that easily. It began as friends with benifits, but I never could bear the feeling of 'just being friends'

I held Harry's hand close to my chest as I read Calum's message.

'You see Kayla, I heard about what happened to Harry and I'm coming right away. Sorry for being so mean, I know Ash has been teasing me about it - Cal xx'

I laughed at it, Harry jittered in his sleep. Probably because of the pain killers in his system. I let go of his hand to text Cal back.

'No prob bro. And I'm sorry not sorry about your teasing. Tell Ash to tease you some more! -Kay xx'

I hate my brother.

Ruth's POV

I stared at the almost lifeless body in front of me, "What the hell did you do?" Richard yelled from the backseat. I saw her move a bit but mostly from the van shaking. I stood on my knees, helping myself up as I hauled my heavy feeling hand to her heart. I heard slow puffs of air and then blood came out of her mouth. I screamed at the sight.

"Oh my god..." I whispered to myself. I cursed under my breath, breathing in and out. I pressed my back against the cool metal side of the van. Thoughts in my mind were rushing.

I didn't mean to kill her.

Come on Ruth, she's not dead.

I looked around to see where we are, Richard rushed out of the van to open the back door. He rushed me out and carried Kristal's body into the building.

I start to have second thoughts about this.

Kayla's POV

I opened the door to a lifeless body. Ansel.

My hands caught my yelp as tears blurred my vision. The nurses saw some sympathy in me and exited the room. I wiped the tears on my sweater and pulled a chair next to the cot.

His hand felt cold against mine. Harry would be heartbroken to see his best mate like this.

They were the best of friends. It was always Ansel, Harry, and Theo. The three musketeers I like to call them.

I contacted Theo a couple times but he's at the police station. When he came back from his meeting and saw the three unconscious men laying there he rang me immediately. The police came and it was trouble.

Theo left before Harry even came out of surgery saying that he had things to clear. I promised him to take care of his mates for him.

Ansel felt like stone to me. His pale complexion glittered in the light. I smoothed my dark brown hair as I cried harder.

Why did they have to hurt these people?

I heard three knocks from the door. The nurses came in to check on him again. I excused myself to Harry's room, trying to wipe down my tears with the sleeve of my jumper. Harry peacefully watched a random show on the telly, crossing his legs.

"You don't look hurt at all," I commented at his position.

"I'm hurt on the inside..." he pouted.

"Cal's coming," I exclaimed as I grabbed my phone from the stand.

"To beat my ass up or to look at how weak I am?" I noticed the few messages from Cal and Luke.

"Well Mr. Styles, we wouldn't want to have you all beaten up again, do we?"

"Miss Hood, I, am not weak and could've beaten an army," he crossed his arms defending himself.

I laughed at his comment, "I'm not the one in the hospital"

He looked at me in defeat, "Hmph"

I laughed at his reaction. My boyfriend is amazing.

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