(Chapter 1)

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I have the perfect life. I'm popular and have amazing friends who I can count on anyone time I want. Not only that but I have the world's most amazing boyfriend, he's perfect as well. I know it's a little extra me saying that he's perfect but he is.

He knows when I'm upset and knows how to make me happy. What else can I want? I think to myself. I always go for a job after dinner, I don't know why but it just relaxes me. I slow down as I see my house come into view.

Looking at the driveway I squint my eyes in confusion. That's Daniel's car, Daniel my boyfriend. That's odd, he told me he couldn't meet me tonight because he was busy studying. Maybe, he's giving me a surprise.

A small smile to myself as I run towards the door, pulling the handle down I realise that the door is already opened. Ok, I think he planned this all out for me. See what I mean by perfect, he cannot get any-oh my God! My heart instantly stops beating with excitement and the smile on my face is completely wiped away.

"How dare you?!" I scream out to them. The tears fall down my cheeks on its own as I try to grasp the situation. My boyfriend and mum kissing! They both quickly pull apart and look at me with wide eyes. Before any of them could even get near me I quickly run back out of the house ignoring the looks people are giving me on the streets. I can hear Daniel calling out to me but I just ran even fast. I need to sink all of this in, ho-how could they do this to me? My own mum and boyfriend kissing and doing God knows what behind my back. Do they have no shame or respect for themselves?

I finally slow down to see I've reached the park. This park, I always come to whenever I want to spend time on my own. Walking towards my favourite tree I lean against it and start to cry my heart out. I hate them; I hate them both for doing this to me. Just when I thought my life was so perfect they cursed upon it. I try to wipe my tears away but it's no use because they keep coming back.

Minutes later, my phone starts to ring. I look down at the caller ID to see that it's mum. Instantly, I decline the call. I don't think I can stay here anymore. I need to go; I need to get out of this place before something else happens to me. I need to go. I think of the one person who I know would never betray me and that's my dad. Dialling his number I pray that he picks up and he thankfully does.

"Daddy I don't want to stay here anymore, please take me away" I ask him while letting out a cry.

"Honey, what's wrong, why are you crying and where's your mum? He asks with full panic in this voice.

"Daddy please come and get me, I don't want to stay here with mum anymore please" I say with full desperation in my voice.

"I'll book a ticket for you right now. You can come down tomorrow, I'll let you know the details" He informs me

"Thank you dad, thank you" I start to control myself a little upon hearing my dad's voice. I won't need to stay here any longer with them horrible people.

"I don't want to ask you what happened but you've never called me like this before which is the only reason why I'm doing this. Promise to tell me what happened"

"I promise dad"

"You be a good girl for now and quickly pack your stuff. I love you" He says with full sincere.

"I love you too dad" I quickly exit the call and run back to the house. I'm going to my dad and no one can stop me. Not him and not her. I realise that Daniel's car is still here, meaning the jerk face is still in the house. Opening the door, I enter the house and see them both walking together to see me. Daniel looks at my face with regret and walks towards me but I stop him with my hand.

"Don't you dare come anywhere near me!" I scream at him.

"Look you got it all wrong" He says trying to reason with me.

What's your little secret (Book 1 and sequel) *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now