Ha Sungwoon - Shooting Love

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This was requested by Tetsuna_Kuroko Hope you like it~

My legs felt sore as I walked home. "Aish... why did I agree to take an extra 3 hour shift? My legs are killing me.." as I walked home, I felt someone walking behind me. The streets was empty and I had a feeling not suspicion.

I quickened my pace, trying my best to not look back, but it didn't work. As soon as I glanced behind my shoulder, I saw a talk man in black jogging behind me, getting closer and closer.

Without knowing, I turned into an empty and dark alleyway. As I made it further into the alleyway, i saw it was a dead end. I felt the man's presence behind me as I shut my eyes as tightly as I could.

'So this is how I'm going to die.. I never even got to have a boyfriend and live my life to the fullest and now I'm going to die...'

As I was lost in my thoughts, a familiar voice broke the silence.
"(Y/N).... Is it really you?"

I slowly opened my eyes and turned around. With the help of a street light above the alleyway, the man's face became more clearer. My eyes widened as I realized who it was.

Ha Sungwoon. He was a part of my past life. I was born into the mafia and so was he. We both grew up with our parent's intentions of running the mafia. But I didn't want it. I ran away and left and trace of my old life. Until tonight...

"Su-Sungwoon-ah... what are you doing here? You know you can't be here" I felt tears brim my eyes as he send me a smile. He pulled me into a hug and caressed my hair, holding me close as he hadn't seen me in years.

"I don't care about that stupid mafia gang... I spent so long trying to find you an-"

I broke away from the hug and wiped away any stray tears. "Sungwoon... I'm
Not going back. No matter what you say to me. I can't...I don't want to live my life like that.. you're the only one who understands that so please don't tell me to go back.."

Sungwoon nodded as he wiped away the last of my tears with his thumb. "I don't want you to go back the mafia. Sure everyone has missed you and your parents even thought you were dead. But I didn't. The reason why I searched for you all this time was to fulfill my promise..."

Before I could say anything, Sungwoon grabbed my wrist and started dragging me to a parked motorcycle. My eyes widened as I backed away a bit. "No way am I going to that thing.. that's basically a death machine.."

Sungwoon reassured me with a smile and gave my a helmet. "You'll be fine. You know I'm a pro at these things. Let's go... we have to go somewhere important."

I sighed and put on the helmet. As I sat down at the back of the motorcycle, Sungwoon grabbed my hands and wrapped them around his waist. "Hold on.." I nodded as I felt my stomach feel jittery. I shook the feeling off as Sungwoon zoomed through the streets to our destination.

Once we arrived, i took off my helmet to see the mafia hangout. I felt my breaths becoming heavier as I looked at Sungwoon. "You tricked me.. I knew this would happen... I hate you Ha Sungwoon.."

As I turned to walk away, Sungwoon's words stopped me. "I'm here to make a proposal to your father... and I need you to be there. It's about my promise to you. I'll make sure that they won't force you back. Trust me.."

I took a deep breath in as I followed Sungwoon inside. Every head turned towards us as I heard whispers about my return. Sungwoon held my hand as support as we made our way to the head's office.

We opened the door to both Sungwoon's parents and my own. Everyone stared at me as I nervously waved. My mother stood up and pulled me into a hug. "(Y/N), were so happy you're okay.. Sungwoon told us he would find you.."

My father had a bright smile on his gave as he kissed my cheek. "You'll be able to finally take over the mafia after all.."

Before I could say anything , Sungwoon intervened. "That's not why I brought her back. I said I had a proposal and that's what I'm going to do..." without any more words, Sungwoon got down on one knee and opened a velvet box to reveal a priceless diamond ring.

I gasped in shock and surprise. Sungwoon smiled and continued with his proposal. "(Y/N)...10 years ago, I promised you that I would protect you no matter what. I know the dreams we both have aren't in the mafia so... will you give me the honour of marrying me and living our lives the way we want to?"

I nodded as tears of joy fell down my face. Sungwoon got up and pulled me into a quick kiss before looking af out parents. They sighed but sent us a smile. My dad came forward and patted Sungwoon on the back.

"You have my blessings..."

Sungwoon and I smiled in joy as he pulled me into another kiss. After we broke apart, Sungwoon leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"I'm not going to be needing a gun any more. I'll be too busy shooting my love at you..."

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