Park Jihoon - The One for Me

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This is for romeo-ong

I held my letter in my hand as I waited for Jihoon to come. I looked at my phone and saw a message from my friend, Jawahir.

<<You can do it! Hwaiting!>>

I smiled as I heard footsteps coming closer. I put my phone away and saw Jihoon. I bit my lip as I handed him the letter. "Jihoon-ssi, I wanted you to know about how I felt. So here it is." Before he could say anything, I ran away, feeling my face become hot and my heart racing in excitement.

[Jihoon's POV]

I returned to class and I saw my friends waving at me. I sat down as my friend Guanlin took the letter from my hand. "What's this hyung? Ooh is it a love letter?" As I was trying to get it back, Woojin took it from Guanlin.

"(Y/N)... isn't that the chubby girl dorm class 4? Yah, don't tell me you like her? You're going to confess to her with this?"

I grabbed the letter and shook my head. "Yah, for your information, she gave it to me. Besides, it's just a love letter. No big deal."



Weeks had past and I hadn't heard a response from Jihoon. I would see him around school a lot, but he would look away. Almost in an annoyed away.

Jawahir and I were walking to the cafeteria when we saw him again. I smiled to him but I saw him frown when he saw me. I looked at Jawahir. "Do you think someone's bothering Jihoon? He seems annoyed lately.."

Jawahir shrugged her shoulders as we made it to a table. After a while, Jihoon came up to our table and stared at me. "Can I talk to (Y/N) for a bit?" Jawahir smiled and nodded as I got up and followed Jihoon. Once we were in a private place, Jihoon turned around and sighed.

"Could you stop following me? It's getting annoying and I don't like it" I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "What? But I'm not following you? I mean I see you everywhere, but we go to the same school.."

Jihoon scoffed "what I hate most than girls who follow me, are girls who lie.." before I could say anything, Jihoon left me alone, heading back to the cafeteria.
I held back my tears as i texted Jawahir that I would go home early.

Another couple of weeks had gone by and I kept seeing Jihoon. I would always look down when I saw him and just tried to ignore him but it was no use.

Every time Jihoon and I made eye contact, he would break away and continue talking to his friends.

[Jihoon's POV]

I saw (Y/N) again as I was walking to class. I sighed as my friends and I made it to our seats. Woojin noticed my behaviour and punched my arm.

"What's wrong with you? You seem out of it lately? Is it about that love letter?" I nodded as Woojin smiled. "It's been months. And the only reason you're still thinking about it is because you may like (Y/N)."

I laughed a bit but recalled the feelings I felt throughout the weeks whenever I saw (Y/N). "I'm sure this is just a One time thing... I think?"

Woojin shrugged his shoulders as the teacher walked in. "Try talking to her tomorrow. Fix things up. Maybe even be her friend." I nodded and looked forward as class started.

The next day I went over to (Y/N)'s class. I saw the class bustling with students but I couldn't see her. I went over to the class president. "Is (Y/N) here?" She shook her head as she looked around.

"(Y/N) hasn't been here for a while.. but I did overhear her talking to the teacher a couple of days ago. Something about a school transfer.. why?"

My eyes widened as I ran out of the classroom. As I was running, I bumped into a girl. "Oh, sor- Jawahir? Are you Jawahir, (Y/N)'s friend" the girl nodded as she dusted her clothes

I sighed in relief. "Do you know where (Y/N) is? I need to talk to her" Jawahir just scoffed as she crossed her arms.

"And why would I let you talk to her? You broke her heart, remember?" I nodded as I got down on my knees. "Please! I need to see her! It's important!"

Jawahir sighed as she pointed in behind her. "She's at the principals office filling out her school transfer. If you run, you may be able to change her mind. But hurry!"

I nodded as I bolted to the principals office. Once I opened the door, I saw (Y/N) filling out a form. "(Y/N), please don't change schools. Please.."

(Y/N) looked at me with confusion as I stepped closer. "I didn't give you a proper answer to your confession. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I was just.. confused about my own. I don't care how you look. I know that you're the kindest and most beautiful girl here. I don't need anyone else's opinion on that. So please, would you stay?"

I saw (Y/N)'s face lit up as she nodded. I smiled brightly and kissed her cheek. "I promise, that no matter what, you'll always be the one I want."

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