Braydon Andrews

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I opened my locker, placing my stuff inside when I saw him walk through the halls. Braydon Andrews, the school's bad boy who everyone fears and the girls all swoon. He has tats galore and he has a killer body, plus he doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. The guy is basically sex on legs.

The weird part is I didn't know him that well, but I heard stories about him.  Some say he robbed stores, others say he had been in and out of jail since he was young. While mostly, people stayed out of his way.  Well, except the Knight twins, Robbie and Randy.

They were just as bad, if not worse.  They would bed anything and everything if they got a chance.  They smoked, drank, and overall did things I would never imagine doing.  Considering I don't do a whole lot, that's not saying a whole lot.

"Hey, I wouldn't look now, but four eyes are staring at you again," Robbie said to Braydon. 

He ignored him as he tossed something into his locker and shut the door.

"I think we should have fun with this one," Randy added.

He glanced my way and leaned up against his locker, "What did you have in mind," he asked them.

"Well, I heard miss wallflower over there has never done anything with a guy ever," Robbie said with his arm on Braydon's shoulder.

"Honestly Braydon I bet if you even speak to her, her panties would go wet," Randy said.

He looked at them and said, "She's probably not even a challenge."

"Uh huh, sure," Robbie said.

"Care to put a wager on that," Randy asked.

"Fuck that. You two morons want to bet go ahead, but I have better things to do with my time," he said shaking his head and walking away.

"I bet one hundred he beds her before Christmas," Robbie said.

"You, brother, as they say, are on," Randy said as they shook and walked away.

I went to class and took a seat towards the back.  I slouched down in my chair waiting for class to start. Everyone piled into the classroom as well as the Knight twins. They took a seat in the back; freaking losers.

Then the last person to enter was Braydon. He strolled down the aisle between desks and took a seat right behind me. I wonder why he isn't sitting with dumb and dumber.

The teacher entered and started teaching the class. Then I heard someone go, "Pst, pst."

I looked around until I saw Braydon lean forward, "Got a pencil?"

I looked around as he whispered, "Yo, I'm talking to you, Daria."

I shot him a glare. I hated being called that.

"It's Molly," I huffed.

"Don't care. Need a pencil," he repeated himself.

"No, I don't have an extra pencil, go ask your buddies dumb and dumber," I shot back then turned around.

He leaned close to my ear and said, "I know you stare at me and yes my dick is huge."  He sat back and I turned three shades of red.

I heard snickering and knew it was coming from the back of the room.  Great, so much for my senior year being quieted and unnoticed.

As soon as class ended, I quickly made an exit.

"Man, that was priceless. Did you see her face," Robbie said laughing.

"Hmm, maybe there is something more to this girl," he said, rubbing his chin with a smirk.

At lunch, I found a nice quiet spot by myself. Kinsley has a different lunch period so I was alone. I sat down and started eating my food when I saw three guys sit down with me. 

Dumb and dumber sat across from me and Braydon sat next to me with his legs on each side of the bench, looking at me. He took his finger and lightly ran it up to my thigh.

"So, Daria, you always eat alone?"

I furrowed my brows and said, "It's Molly and yes."

He leaned into my ear and whispered, "Shame cause I bet you're a tiger behind those glasses."  He growled and I fidgeted in my seat.

"Do I make you nervous?"


"Well, the way you're moving in your seat says two things.  Either I make you nervous or I make your panties wet. Which one is it?"

I looked around to see everyone staring at us.  I needed to get out of there. I stood up and Braydon grabbed my arm and yanked me back down.

"Where are you going?  It would be rude if you just up and left," he said to me.  I gulped.  "Now is it true that you've never had your first kiss or that you're a virgin?"

I felt my breathing increased and tears start to well in my eyes.

"I think both were true statements," Randy said and Robbie agreed.

It was at that moment, I hated Braydon more than anything.  They kept hammering until I had enough and hauled off and smacked him across the face stunning not just Braydon and the Knight twins but the whole cafeteria.

I quickly got up and ran out of there. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!  What did I do?  I just slapped Lakeland High bad boy. I was so dead.

So, not only did I have to survive this last year, but also find a way to avoid Braydon at all costs. This was easier said than done considering he was in a few of my classes; FML.

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