Party problems

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We arrived at the party, albeit with those two arguing back and forth and went inside. While they were busy arguing I walked around looking for something to drink. That's when I think her name was Cherisse found me?

"Oh good you came," she said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I was just looking for something non-alcoholic."

"Here you go," she said, handing me a cup.

"What is it?" I asked, taking a whiff.

"Just some punch, no alcohol, promise."

I shrugged and took a sip. Then I made a face, "Tastes funny."

"Probably not use to it," she said. "Go ahead and drink up." She raised a glass to me and started to drink hers. I started to drink until I down the whole cup. I set the cup down and went looking for Braydon and Robbie.

That's when it hit me. Everything started spinning and people became blurry.

"Whoa, seems someone had a little too much to drink. Here, let me help you," they said as the wrapped an arm around me helping me upstairs. I didn't know who it was. All I knew was I felt completely out of it. They carried me into a room and laid me on the bed.

I moaned a bit then before I knew it, my whole body went heavy. All I knew is my panties were being pulled off and someone making their way in between my legs. Then I felt it.

I felt a pain sear through my body and something foreign was pushed inside of me.

"Damn, you're so tight," they whispered. "Who would have guessed you'd be this tight. That's okay, it's about time you had your cherry popped." They hissed into my ear.

I felt the pain over and over as whatever was happening to me kept happening. There was groaning and I couldn't make out who it was until I felt my body convulsed and shake.

"That's it, comes to me, virgin. Not only did I pop your cherry, but I got you to orgasm," they whispered. "Good thing, we have all night."

They got off of me.

"Did you get it," the guy asked.

"Yeah," they answered.

"Good, keep rolling," they told them.

"You're not going to continue, were you?"

"I'm going to fuck her all night and you're going to tape it and if you're a good boy, you can have my leftovers."

"Man, this isn't right."

"I don't give a flying fuck. She's fucking tight. Now shut up and film."

I laid there feeling a weight back over me as I felt that pain once again. What the hell was happening to me? This continued over and over until someone yanked me back and held me while someone else climbed on top of me.

Then I heard a voice say, "You weren't kidding, she is tight."

"See, told you."

After that, I blacked out. I woke up the next day in a strange bed. I looked around and saw blood, a lot of it. Then I looked down to see I had it all over my legs, oh my god.

I got up and I hurt and ached so bad down below. Everything was so fuzzy from last night. I found my panties on the floor and quickly grabbed them.

I made my way downstairs until I saw a girl cleaning up. She stopped and looked at me then her eyes made their way to my legs. I quickly walked past her, "Excuse me."

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