Crash and burn

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Raven told his parents what happened and they decided to turn in Randy to the police. As much as they hated having to lose one of their sons to jail, they also knew he needed to pay for his crime.

Randy felt if he was going down, So was everyone else. We stood in the hallway as police walked in. We watched as they walked into the office. Then they came out with the principal in cuffs along with the school nurse and another school official.

Then they went searching. They found the ones they were looking for. We watched as they lead Devin, Amanda, Cherisse and someone else out in handcuffs. To say we were all shocked was an understatement. They finished up cancelling school until they could find a temporary principal.

We walked in and Mom greeted us, "You okay," she asked me.

"Yeah, it's just weird seeing people being arrested," I said to her.

"There are some people here to see you," she said to me and I looked at her then at the guys. We walked into the kitchen to see Robbie's parents along with a few others in our kitchen.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We came to apologize for what our kids put you through," a man said.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Cherisse's father. We had no idea that our daughter was throwing a party, let alone what happened in our home while we were gone, then the police notified us. Since most of the kids were underage, they're being held accountable."

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"Don't. If anyone should be sorry it's us."

I didn't know what to say. It was so overwhelming. I ended up running out of the room. The guys chased after me, "Molly!"

Braydon stopped me, "Molly it's okay."

"No, it's not! These people have to suffer because of me. Because of who I am. Because I'm not likable. Because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Because I'm just me." I started crying and he pulled me to him.

"No, they are suffering because their kids decided not to like you themselves. They took it upon themselves to do this. They went after someone that never did anything to anyone all because they felt they had the right. No one has a right to destroy someone just because they want to. Molly, none of this was your fault, period."

I nodded into his chest. All I wanted was for this to go away and to have my life back.

I laid on my bed while the guys sat around my room. I didn't want to talk. Everything had been too much for me. I felt like a prisoner in my own wrecked emotional being.

"So, what do you think will happen," Robbie asked.

"My guess is that they are going down, for this. Some might get lesser charges than others, but they all were in the wrong. I mean, who doesn't report a rape," Hunter said.

"A lot of people, that's who," Braydon grumbled.

I listened to them talk even if I didn't add to it. I noticed there was a different quality to each one of them. Robbie was sort of like childlike, that's why he always followed Randy. Hunter, he was insightful hence why he always painted. Then Braydon he was rough, but wanted justice, which is why he always fought and asked questions later. Apart, they were just people, together they were a force to be reckoned with.

"You okay," Robbie asked me. I didn't realize they were looking at me.

"Yeah, just thinking," I said quietly.

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