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Apparently ever since Braydon has said he wanted to be my friend, word got around school. Some people talked, some stared, others glared (I. E. Dumb and dumber), and a few actually talked to me. Did it make me popular? No, but it did make people curious as to why Braydon and I were friends.

As I stood at my locker, another guy walked up. He wasn't the most good looking guy or built. He had a lean look to him and he wore glasses just like I did. Paul Mitchell, who was class president.

"Hey, Molly," he greeted me.

"Hi, Paul."

"So, I was wondering if you weren't busy, we could maybe get together and study," he asked quietly.

I had to think about it for a moment. Let's see, I didn't really do anything outside of school. I only talked to Braydon in school. I mean what the hell, it's not like I had anything better to do.

Just as I was about to answer I heard a low, husky voice says, "She's busy."

His eyes widened and he stuttered, "M-maybe some other time then."

With that, he quickly retreated. I heard Braydon snicker. I turned to him and shook my head, "All he ask was to study."

"Yeah, and I'm a virgin."

I tilted my head slightly to the side and gave him a look, "Really?"

He shrugged.

"Braydon comes on, all I do is sit home and do homework. It's not like I'm doing anything with anyone. Plus, I doubt he even sees me that way."

I don't even know why I was getting defensive with him. It's not like I have the guys lined up at my door.

He inches closer to me as my back hit the lockers. Then he leaned in close and said, "And we'll keep it that way." Then he leaned back. I sighed, so much for having more than just two friends.

The course of the day, I did have a few guys come up and talked to me. Another guy in particular named Devin Smith, pay a little more attention to me. He was your typical jock who mostly focused on football. It happens when you are the captain.

"So, you will come," he asked.

"Sure, why not?"

"Great, I'll see you after school," he said walking away.

"Where are we going?" I heard a husky voice by my ear.

I turned and looked at him, "We aren't going anywhere. I'm going to watch Devin practice after school, then he's giving me a ride home."

"Uh Huh, sure," Braydon said as he rolled his eyes.

I rolled my eyes, "Get your mind out of the gutter." With that, I walked away. I don't know what's gotten into Braydon recently. He's acting like a jealous boyfriend or something.

After school, I walked over to the field and took a seat on a bleacher. The footballers were practicing and the cheerleaders were cheering and here I sat alone. When there was a break, the head cheerleader strolled over to me.

"Molly, is that right?"

I looked up, shielding my eyes from the sun, "Yeah?"

"I'm Amanda," she said, extending her hand to me. I shook it. "So, I'm having a party tonight if you want to come."

I gave her a look, "You're inviting me to a party?"

"Sure, why not, Devin said you're pretty cool."

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