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I was getting stuff out of my locker when Kinsley walked up.

"Molly," she said to me.

I looked at her, "Kinsley."

"Can we talk?"


"About this whole rape deal."

"What about it?"

"Come on Molly, you went to a party, got drunk and slept with two guys. Now you're calling rape? A little presumptuous, don't you think?"

I couldn't believe this was coming out her mouth.

"How would you know? You weren't there," I shot back.

"No, but I saw the video. Are you that desperate for attention you need to accuse people of something you did willingly?"

I shut my locker and looked at her, "I didn't ask to have sex. I didn't ask to be drugged. I didn't ask to be filmed. I didn't ask to be called a slut or whispered about. I didn't ask for any of it. You stand there and judge me based on a lie and video. You pretended to be my friend then when something like this happens, you turned your back on me."

She looked at me as I continued, "Believe whatever you want, but the truth is, I didn't ask to be raped and my first time taken from me. I didn't ask for any of it and I certainly didn't ask for you to walk over here and spout your bullshit. Now, do me a favor and leave me alone."

I walked away. I wasn't going to stand there while she said those nasty, hurtful things to me. I was so sick of people being protected when they did something wrong.

Braydon walked up with Hunter to Kinsley, "So let me get this straight. When the fuck was it your place to come up and make a judgement about someone?"

She looked at him, "Coming from the guy that believed the video, hypocritical much?"

"Yeah, and I regret it, but at least I'm willing to admit I was wrong. You, you're just being a bitch about it. But go ahead and take their side because you're no better than they are."

With those words they walked away.

"Why does everyone think I'm lying?" I cried to Robbie.

"People want to believe the villain over the hero. Molly, a villain comes in many forms. The hero is the hero no matter what," he said comforting me.

"I just hate it. I just wish I would have stayed home that night. I felt something was wrong, but I just ignored it."

"Hindsight is 20/20. Maybe if you would have stayed home, this wouldn't have happened, but maybe going was supposed to happen."

"Are you saying, me getting raped was supposed to happen?"

"No, what I'm saying is, things happen for a reason. It brought light to the fact that this happens every day and no one does anything about it. The bullying, the assault, it happens to kids all over the place, but no one says anything. Maybe it just took one person who no one notices to be that person that brought attention to it."

"That was the dumbest thing I have ever heard, but also the smart thing."

"Ironic, isn't it?"

I gave him a look, "Guess you were paying attention during English class."

"You make me want to learn and be better. I always thought I was dumb then after our first study session I talked to my parents. They had me tested and found out I was dyslexic. For years, nothing made sense, so I just coasted by. I never knew it was because math and reading was all twisted."

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