Hunter James

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It had been a few days and they had repainted my locker. Trish actually had been an amazing friend to me. I couldn't thank her enough.

I opened my locker to find a note but this time it had an amazing pictured drawn on it with the words:

'Out of darkness comes light. Meet me in the art room.'

I closed my locker and walked into the art room. I looked inside and saw a guy, with short, spiky hair and piercing, along with a bandana around his forehead. He was standing at an easel painting.

"I see you found my note," he said not looking up.

I pulled out the picture, "Did you draw this?"

"Just something quick I whipped up," he said as his brush hit the canvas with strokes.

"It's beautiful."

"Yeah, well, you are too."

My cheeks turned a faint pink.

"I also painted your locker since the piece of shits that run this school can't be bothered."

"Um, thanked you."

I walked over and looked at what he was painting, then my eyes widened. It was me sitting on a bench. It was extraordinary.

"You like?"

"It's amazing."

He turned and looked at me then back at the painting and added one more thing, "Now it's amazing."

I stood there and looked at it. He had captured every detail about me. I couldn't help but be touched.

"Why did you do this?"

"Because beauty deserves to be captured," he said as he cleaned his brushes.

I felt tears fall down my cheeks when he said that. I quickly wiped them away, "I'm."

"Molly King, I know." He walked away, putting his supplies away.

"And you are?"

"Hunter James," he said not looking at me.

"So, how come I have never seen you around Hunter James?"

"I've been around, but mostly I spend my time in the art room."

"Are you the one that put all those notes in my locker?"

He looked up, "Yeah."

"And you're the one that sent those warnings?"

"Yep," he said.


"Because people are assholes. I've seen how they treat you around here."

I looked at him, "But if you've seen it, why didn't you say anything? Isn't being a bystander just as bad or even worse?"

"Would have you believed me?"

His question caught me off guard.

"There's your answer. Molly, you would have never believed someone you don't know over someone you do. People are good at hiding their true selves. I mean, look at those two putzes that were chasing you, then just abandoned you when you needed them most, all because of some video."

My brows furrowed. I forgot everyone saw that video.

"The problem is instead of choosing to stick with you and find out the facts they up and walked away. Great suitors, you have there."

"You don't know anything about them but yet you judge them," I shot back.

"Oh really? Braydon Andrews, 'Bad boy,' who would rather let rumors fly about him than the truth. Got tattoos to prove he's a badass. Big deal, I got tats and piercings. Robbie Knight, the guy who beat the shit out of you and called you names, apologized and all is forgiven. Am I wrong?"

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