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Having Raven and Robbie living at my house was an adjustment. At one point, dad went with them so they could collect their clothes. Mr. Knight glared at my father when they showed up and Raven and Robbie walked past their parents up to their room. They grabbed bags and tossed whatever they could into it. Once they had everything they needed, they left.

Mr. Knight looked at dad and said, "This is all your daughter's fault Paul."

"Ray, your son was the one that raped my daughter and taped it. Don't ever blame her for what your scum of a son did. I may not have been around most of the time of her growing up, but I know what you put those kids through. You're lucky, two of them turned out decent especially Raven. I give him a lot of credit for turning out to be a good guy considering he has an asshole for a father," with that dad left.

The three of them walked in and the boys headed up to their room, "Dad?"

"Molly, this is something Raven needs to tell you along with Robbie. It's their story."

I looked at him as he walked into the kitchen. I went upstairs. It was time for the truth.

I sat in between Robbie and Raven as they told me everything. My heart ached for them. Raven explained it was easier to blame everything on their mom and not their dad because honestly, who wants to admit their dad was a horrible person.

This helped me understand the things that happened a lot better. It didn't excuse the poor behavior, but it helped me understand. It turned out Randy had no respect for women due to how their father was. Lead by example. Robbie and Raven thought the complete opposite. I took both of their hands in mine and held them. I guess I wasn't the only one needing saving, they also needed it.

The three of us were truly broken, but together we were able to be put together. I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and a smile. Then they both wrapped their arms around me and I let them hold on tight.

Maybe, just maybe together we can finally heal.

I was sleeping peacefully until I felt two heavy bodies jump on me. I opened an eye and saw them both grinning at me. I groaned.

"Someone's not a morning person," Robbie said.

"Breakfast," Mom yelled.

Robbie bolted out of there, leaving Raven alone with me.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," I said back.

He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss.

"Are you going to get up," he asked me.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, you have school. Come on, a few more months and then you're all done," he said.

"Then off to college," I sighed.

"Thought you'd be happy."

I gave him a look, "Oh yeah, I'm there and you're here."

"We'll figure it out. Get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs." He gave me another kiss and got up off of me. The thought of not being with Raven when I go off to school bothered me. I finally found someone that means the world to me and we were going to be separated. The thought alone, depressed me.

I made my way downstairs to have breakfast and my mood was not too hot.



"Honey, I asked what you wanted to do for your eighteenth birthday," Mom said.

"Oh," I said completely forgetting my own birthday.

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