Three months later

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The summer after graduation was amazing. I got to spend it with my friends and boyfriend. Eventually we all had to head to school to get started with our living arrangements, our class schedule. Mom was around five months pregnant and they found out it's a boy. I'm going to have a little brother.

After we had arrived and Braydon found out what our living arrangements were going to be, he promptly called his mom. In the infamous words of Braydon Andrews, "Fuck dorm life."

His mother was able to rent us a house to stay in, which was fine by me. After the encounter with Mr. Creepy pants, I didn't particularly find living in a dorm with a bunch of strangers appealing.

I was sitting on a bench going through my syllabus when someone sat down next to me holding a camera.

"Nice day, isn't it?"

I just looked at him.

"Oh was this seat taken?"

"Nope," I answered him.

"So, what brings you to Eastern?"

"I heard it's the best school around and that they have a lot of hot guys." He arched an eyebrow at me. "But they're nothing compared to this amazing guy I know."

"That's a real shame you have a boyfriend. I was thinking of asking you out," he said to me.

"Oh, really," I flirted back with him.

"Yeah, but then I don't think my girlfriend would dig me asking out one of the most beautiful girl on campus," he said with a sly smile.

"Maybe what they don't know won't hurt them," I said with a smile.

"Maybe, you know I would really like to kiss you right now."

"I wouldn't object if you did," I responded nonchalantly. He reached up and placed his hand on my face and kissed me. Fireworks exploded in my stomach.

"So, about that date?"

I gave him a smile, "What did you have in mind?"

"There's this diner and I hear they sell amazing hot cocoa."

I shrugged, "Sounds good to me."

He stood up and took my hand as we headed to a diner.

"You know I was a little bit jealous when you mentioned hot guys."

"Oh Raven, you know the only hot guy for me is you."

"You think I'm hot?"

"No," I denied.

"You said I was hot."

"No, I didn't," I said, walking away from him.

"Yes, you did!"

I stopped and as soon as I turned he snapped a picture of me. He ran up to me, "That one is definitely going up on my wall."


When we got back to the house I was met with three very concerned guys.

"Molly, this came for you today," Robbie said,handing me an envelope with the return address from Ionia Prison. I set my stuff down and opened it.

Dear Molly,

I know I'm the last person you wanted to hear from but I needed to do this. Just like you need closure, so do I. I had a lot of time to think about what happened that night. Trust me, that's all you have in here is time.

Just like you I wish that night would have never happened. I wish you would have stayed home like you always did. Maybe, just maybe, if you never have gone to that party, things would have been different, but unfortunately they're not.

I know my brother's hate me and I don't blame them, I hate myself too. I thought that going after someone like you would make me feel better but it didn't. It just made me realize that I made a really bad judgement call listening to the wrong people.

You didn't deserve what happened that night, but it's something I have to live with the rest of my life. I can't take back that night and I don't expect your forgiveness. I just wanted to apologize for my part in it. I understand why my brothers chose you over me. I would have done the same thing. Do me a favor and take care of them.

Maybe, just maybe they will forgive me one day. If not, I'm okay with it.


I sat down and looked at the letter I just received. I didn't know what to say. I was stunned by all of it.

Raven sat down next to me, "You okay?"

I looked at him and took a deep breath, "I am now." He gave me a smile and pulled me into a hug. All I ever wanted was an apology for that night. Do I forgive Randy? No, rape is still rape and it altered my life. Even if they say forgiveness is the key, I couldn't offer him that.

That night he along with Devin took something from me that I can never get back. After that Raven gave me something that helped. He gave me love and friendship. He was kind and sat with me for hours talking all over a cup of hot cocoa. That was the best hot cocoa I ever had.

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