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I decided to do what I do best and bury my feelings. I mean it was for the best, right? It would be too weird like the brother of the guy that raped me. Although I was best friends with the other brother. Ugh, this was so confusing.

"You who, earth to Molly," Raven said.

"Huh? What?"

"You're like a million miles away."

"Just thinking," I said. We sat there at the table having a cup of hot cocoa. I'm supposed to be burying my feelings and yet here I sit with the one person I'm supposed to keep from feeling anything for.

"What are you thinking about?"


"That elaborates a whole lot. What kind of stuff?"

"Oh, you know, stuff." I got up and made another cup of hot cocoa. He got up and followed me.

"Care to explain because I'm kind of dying here."

I took a deep breath and said, "I have this friend."


"Well, this friend thinks she might have feelings for this guy, but she might not be sure. And she doesn't know what to do about it," I said stirring my hot cocoa.

"Hmm, sounds like a dilemma. See, I have this friend myself who likes this girl but knows the girl isn't ready for anything yet and not sure when she will be ready," he said.

"Oh," I said.

"Yeah, he's afraid if he tries and makes a move that she'll just reject him and he would really hate if that happened," he said as he made another hot cocoa.

"So, he likes this girl?"

"That's what he says. He said she is the sweetest, funniest, smarter and beautiful girl he has ever met," he said slowly, looking at me then diverting his eyes back to his mug.

"So, we both have friends that aren't really sure about how the other person feels about them."

"That would be my guess."

"That is quite the dilemma they both have," I said feeling very nervous.

"I think my friend would maybe like to kiss your friend," he said as he stirred the cocoa.

"Well, I don't think my friend would have an issue if, you know, your friend was to kiss her." I slowly looked at him and he slowly looked at me and then we started to lean in until our lips met. As quickly as they met we pulled back.

"I think I'm going to go," he said, grabbing his coat and leaving quickly.

"Uh, yeah, good talk," I yelled after him. God, what was I doing? I'm supposed to be burying my feelings, not throwing them out there.

So, I decided since Raven and I can't apparently be trusted to be alone, maybe it was better we hung out with the others. Less pressure. I decided to have a movie night with everyone and since they usually let me pick, I decided to be fair and let them pick the movies. This was my first mistake.

Yep, you guess it, they chose horror. I hate horror films. They give me freakish nightmares and I'm always afraid of being alone after watching one. I would be that girl who is the first to die in one because she made the wrong choice.



"What are you thinking about?" Raven asked. I didn't realize he was sitting next to me until he pulled me from my thoughts. Robbie was on the other side of me while Braydon and Hunter were sitting in the chairs. Trish was laying on the floor.

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