Life sucks and so do you

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I walked through the hallways noticing people talking to each other and laughing. I couldn't help but think, that must be nice to have a friend you can talk to and laugh with. I sighed as I continued to walk to class alone.

I took a seat in my class. While the teacher handed out our assignment, I buried my face in my work, pushing my glasses every so often, when they slipped down the bridge of my nose. Maybe if I really apply myself this year I can earn a scholarship for school.

I also needed to start applying to schools soon. Note to self, stop by the counseling office and pick up applications for colleges. I also needed to brush up on my essay skills. You know, to lay it on thick.

During English class today we were required to do an assignment and read it aloud in class. I hated speaking in front of people. I have horrible stage fright. We had to write a paper what inspires us. Creative writing should come with a warning label about assignments.

The teacher called each of us up and when he called me, I walked quietly up to the front. I heard a few people make comments and the teacher hushed them. Braydon was also in my class, great.

"Miss King, when you're ready," the teacher said.

I took a deep breath, "I wrote about friendship. Ironic right? Coming from someone who doesn't have friends." I was slightly shaking as I feigned a smile.

"When I walk down the halls and see people laughing and talking, I can't help but admire them. Not because of who they are but because they have something I wish I could have; friendship. I have always been extremely shy and trying to make friends comes hard for me. The few times I thought people were friends turned out they weren't. I figure it's because I wear glasses or the style of clothes I wear. I even thought if I helped people out with their assignments, then maybe, just maybe they would like me but I was wrong. I only got thanks from the end of their fists."

"Recently, I had an opportunity to have a chance to hang out with someone only to realize that they had other ideas. They decided to not pick me up and when I did show up, I was called other names besides my own. Then I got the pleasure of punch dumped on me. But, don't feel bad because I realized that when it comes to its friendship, it's for other people."

"Maybe if I looked a little different or wasn't so shy, then maybe, just maybe people would want to be my friend," I finished. I stood there as tears fell down my cheeks and wiped them away as everyone watched me.

"Excuse me," I said quietly as I walked over and grabbed my book and promptly left the room. I found a janitor's closet and went inside. I was so embarrassed. I'm pretty sure I did the assignment wrong and the teacher is going to flunk me. I sat on a crate and leaned against the wall. I let out a deep sigh.

Maybe if I stayed here, I could get some peace. It wasn't a bad closet, kind of quiet and not too messy.

At lunch, I returned to the closet. I set up a small table and seat. I used clothes to cover the board. I set my tray down and ate my lunch. I looked around and pulled out my phone.

I had messages waiting for me. Before I had a chance to answer them, another one popped up. They were all numbers I didn't know. As I started reading message after message, they ranged from knowing how I felt also wanting to know more about me.

I spent most of my lunch hour eating and reading through all the messages until one caught my eye.

I opened it,

Before you think anything is going on with Kinsley, there isn't. She's helping me with something special. Talk to me - Braydon

I stared at it. I didn't know if I should respond or not. So I sent a message back.

Ok - Molly

I wonder what that was all about. I figure I would answer the other text messages later on.

After school, I was on my way to the bus stop when someone yanked me out of the line causing me to drop my bag and everything to scatter. They picked me up and tossed me over their shoulder. I saw Kinsley running behind carrying my bag and books.

That's when I knew Braydon was carrying me. I looked down and noticed his butt. Damn, he has a nice butt.

"Are you looking at my ass," he asked in a husky voice.

"N-no," I stuttered.

"Sure, you aren't," he said, causing my face turning beet red.

He carried me to an area that had balloons and roses. He set me down and looked at me, "I know the other time wasn't what you were wanting as your first kiss but maybe this time I can do it right. Close your eyes."

I closed my eyes and felt my glasses being removed. I opened one eye, "Molly. Close them."

"Fine," I huffed and closed both eyes. Then he reached up and placed both his hands gently on my face and leaned in, brushing his lips against mine. He moved his hands to my waist and pulled me extremely close to him as he deepened the kiss. I reached up and wrapped my hands around the back of his neck kissing him back.

He pulled back and looked into my hazel eyes with his baby blues, "Better?"

I stared at him wide-eyed. I didn't know what to say.

"I like you, Molly. I like you more than a friend. There's something about you that I really like."

"What are you saying Braydon?" I asked quietly.

He looked at me and said, "Be mine."

"Y-you want me to be your girlfriend?"

"Well, that's how it usually goes."

"B-but what about those other girls?"

"I don't want any girl, but you," he said.

I pulled away from him and turned my back to him. Oh lord, Braydon Andrews wants me to be his girlfriend.

"What do I need to do to convince you, that I want to be with you?" He asked sternly.

I turned around and said, "Prove it." With that, I grabbed my bag and left. I refuse to be one of those girls that fall for every line a guy hands out. I wanted more, much, much more.

I was sitting at my desk doing homework when Mom yelled up the stairs, "Molly! You have a visitor!"

I stopped working and walked downstairs. Who could be visiting me? I got to the bottom step and saw Braydon standing there. He was wearing a nice shirt and jeans that looked new. Aside from the tats on his arms and neck, you wouldn't even guess it was the same guy.

Mom gave me a look as she walked into the kitchen and I walked over to him.

"Braydon? What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you and to properly ask you out, on a date," he said to me with his hands in his pockets.

I just looked at him.

"Molly, I know you see what everyone else sees about me, but I want to show you, that you are special to me."

"Fine, but you have to get my mother's permission," I said. Ha, there was no way Mom would approve of this, good try Braydon.

Then we heard from the kitchen, "He's got my permission! Go have fun!"

I facepalmed my forehead as he smiled, "You were saying?"

Thanks a lot, Mom. You're supposed to be the kind of parent that prohibits me from going out with someone like Braydon Andrews like a normal parent. My mom was anything but normal.

"Tomorrow night, I'll pick you up around five. Dress nice," he said as he left.

Great I have my first date with Braydon Andrews, resident bad boy tomorrow. I had no idea what to wear. Dress nice. Ugh, I hope I have something nice.

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