God help me

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The next day, I got to encounter stares from everyone from the bus stop to the halls in school. Word travels fast, especially when many people witness you hit the bad boy in school. So, not what I wanted to happen.

I made sure to find a seat as far away from the back as possible. I watched as Braydon walked in and took his seat. I sunk down in my seat. Yep, I was dead.

Dumb and dumber followed shortly after and walked over to me, "If I were you, you better pray to become invisible," Randy sneered.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, shouldn't have hit Braydon. I'll bring you pretty flowers to your funeral," Robbie added as they took their seats.

I sunk even lower in my seat, silently praying. If I calculate right, I can leave without Braydon noticing and avoid him for the rest of the day.

"Before class is dismissed, I have decided to issue you a project." There was a collective groan from the class. Second day and the teacher decided to make us all miserable. Hopefully, I was assigned someone, not Braydon or dumb and dumber.

He handed out the assignment, then started calling off partners. I prayed silently for someone other than them. When he got to my name he also called Braydon's name. The color drained from my face and I placed my head on the desk and started hitting the desk with it; so much for avoiding Braydon.

I waited for everyone to leave before approaching Braydon. To say I was nervous was an understatement. He was gathering his books as I walked up to him, "Hi."

He looked at me with a glare.

"So, I guess we're partners."

Silence. Yep, he was plotting my death.

"How about I do all the work and just put your name on it?"

More silence.

"Yep, that's what I'll do and I promise to get you an A. Okay? Okay, great." I turned and left quickly. I think that went really well.

I sat at the lunch table and someone dropped a bunch of books in front of me. I looked up wide-eyed, mid-bite.

"Thought about what you said and figure you can do all my homework for now. Oh, and make sure I get nothing lower than a B. Thanks."

He walked away and I groaned. I guess this was better than meeting an early demised.

This how it became with Braydon and me. I did all his homework and also did my own. I had to work on it from the time I got home from school till bedtime just to make sure it was all done.

I would give him his work and walk away. I even did the project alone. I told dad, I couldn't come over because I had a project with my partner. Well, part of that was true. He understood.

I spent all weekend working on the project, making sure it was perfect and put both our names on it. This should surely get us an A.

I turned it in and took my seat. The teacher gave us a study period so he could check the papers. Then at one point, he called both of us up.

"Molly, did Braydon work with you on this?"

I fidgeted in my place as Braydon shot me a glare.

"Y-yes," I stuttered.

"Are you sure?"


He sighed, "Okay. Go take a seat."

I sighed a breath of relief. Yes, I didn't have to worry about getting pounded. I continued this so, Braydon stayed happy. Well, that was until dumb and dumber decided to get in on the act.

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