The trial part two

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We returned early the next day to court for closing statements. I sat there anxiously in between Braydon and Hunter as each attorney got up and spoke.

The defense attorney went first.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, these boys are not criminals. They have never had one ticket. They have never been to jail. Both attend school. One is Captain of the Football team. Now you have heard testimony from different people. Some good, some not so good, but all in all, these boys are victims just as much as the victim herself. Were they at a party? Yes, they were. Did they have fun? Yes, they did. Was sex involved? Yes, it was. Teenagers are known for having a little fun and because one girl, was not called the next day, she cries rape. When does it stop? When do we hold all parties accountable? I must ask that you look at the bigger picture and realize that it's a classic he said, she said. Don't let these boys suffer anymore than they have. Thank you."

The defense attorney sat down and the prosecutor stood up, walking over to the jury.

"That was quite a story we just heard. I would have believed it myself if it wasn't for the evidence. Evidence that shows that she said no. Evidence that the two defendants took upon themselves to keep and send to everyone. I'm not here to prey upon your sympathies. I'm here to present the facts. The fact is, they lured a girl to a party, drugged her and raped her. Being Captain of the football team doesn't give anyone a free pass. The school neglected to report it. People humiliated a girl all for what because they're kids and that's what kids do. Now imagine if that was your daughter, wouldn't you want justice? You must return with a guilty verdict to show that this is not acceptable, no matter who you are. Thank you."

As soon as the prosecutor took his seat the Judge addressed the Jury.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Jury closing arguments are over. You have the evidence and now it's time to deliberate. You may now leave."

The Jury stood and walked out of the courtroom through a door. The Judge dismissed us until the Jury came back with a verdict. Who knows how long this could take? I figure the trial would have lasted longer than it did but it didn't.

We decided to get some food. I wasn't really hungry but my friends forced me to eat something. I just wanted to hear the verdict and move on. Win or lose, everyone would know what they did.

As our food came I couldn't bring myself to eat. I was way too nervous. What was taking them so long? I just wanted them to hurry up.

"Molly, you need to eat," Braydon said.

"I can't. Not until I hear," I said, pushing my food away. My nerves were wrecked and I was so on edge. Then Braydon got a text.

"Uh, guys we need to get back," he said.

"Wait, our food just came," Hunter said.

"Yeah, well, so did the Jury. They're on their way back. Robbie just texted me."

We quickly got up and headed back to the courtroom. We took a seat as the Jury was ushered back in and then asked to rise when the Judge entered.

As we sat back down, I looked at Devin. He had a smug look on his face, Randy not so much. This couldn't be good. I thought I was going to vomit.

"Foreman of the Jury have you reached a verdict," the judge asked.

The foreman of the Jury stood up, "We have your honor."

The foreman handed the note to the court officer who handed it to the judge. The judge looked at it, then handed it back to the court officer to hand it back to the Jury.

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