All Hallows Eve

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Besides school, I pretty much didn't leave my house. I heard the whispers at school. People thought I was lying to get attention. Others said I was trying to hide the fact I got drunk and slept with some random guy. Rumors, that's all they were.

As for anyone touching me, I couldn't bear it. Even a simple touch made me recoil. I guess that's the price you have to pay when you're raped. The worst part was everything I knew was taken from me. My dignity, my privacy, my self worth, what little I heard of it, my consent.

I was given the name of a counselor to talk to but I couldn't bring myself to contact them. I wasn't ready.

Rape is a powerful thing. It's not about love or even sex. It's about power. About someone else is more powerful than you. The rapist gets off on it. They enjoy watching their victims cower and lose control. They're sadistic sonofabitches.

I sat in my living room wrapped up in a blanket, hiding from the world, wanting to feel safe. Not so exposed. It was Halloween and here I sat alone.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Trick or treat!"

We didn't even have our light on the outside. I got up and answered the door to see three pumpkins shoved at me full of candy. I looked up to see Braydon, Robbie, and Hunter standing there with big grins.

"What are you guys doing?"

"We knocked out some kids and took their candy," Robbie said.

"You did what?!"

"He's kidding," Braydon said with an eye roll.

"Actually, we just bought the pumpkins and filled them with candy, for you," Hunter said.

"Oh, I don't know."

"It's settled," Braydon said, walking past me inside along with the others.

"Come on in."

I closed the door and they set the pumpkins down and sat on the couch. I stood there and looked at them.

"Come on we won't bite, much," Braydon smirked.

I slowly made my way over and sat down next to them as they scooted over. I tried to sit without touching anyone.

"Molly, we aren't going to hurt you," Hunter reassured me.

"Sorry, it's just that the thought of being touch makes my stomach turn."

"Then how about we change that," Braydon suggested as he stood up. "Everyone stand up."

They stood up and I looked at them, "What?"

"You too sunshine," he said to me.

I stood up reluctantly. Braydon reached out and gently touched my hand. When I tried to recoil he held it firmly.

"See, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just touching your hand. Now, Robbie, I want you to try and touch her and Molly I want you to say no."

They switch spots and Robbie reached out to touch me and I said, "No." He stopped immediately and dropped his hand.

"Now Hunter I want you to stand behind her and Molly I want you to fight him off."

Hunter walked behind me and as he touched me, I smack him away. He moved his hands away from me. Then walked back over to the others.

"Molly, no one has a right to touch you without your permission. Whether it be holding hands, hugs, kiss or any other form of contact. That's your body and no one has a right to it," Braydon said to me.

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