Chapter 11

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I woke up to my phone ringing at 10:00 am. It was a number I didnt recognize.

"Hello?" I asked in a morning voice.

"Hey is this Olivia? It's Elizabeth."

"OH! Hi Mrs. Grier! What's up?"

"I was wondering if you could watch Skylynn today? Hayes is going by his friends house but Nash will be home to keep you company if you need anything."

"Sounds good! I'll be over by 11."

"Thanks honey I appreciate it! See you then."

"Okay, Bye."

I flopped out of bed and put on my slippers. I rubbed my eyes and stretched out. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I opened my curtains and then pulled open my windows to feel the weather. My room is on the top floor. The weather was hot with a breeze.

Perfect to wear shorts.

I walked over to my dresser and got my undergarments, and socks. I put them on and walked over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of black running shorts, a pink tshirt. and my flipflops. I flatironed my hair and only put on mascara and chapstick. I figured I wasn't going anywhere so why would I need to dress up. I sprayed perfume all over me.

I went downstairs and ate some breakfast. My mom was doing the wash so I went into the laundry room and told her I had to watch Skylynn today. She said ok so I walked over.

I rang the bell and heared footsteps running towards the door. It unlocked and swung opened.

"OLIVIA'S HERE!" Skylynn screamed.

"Hey Olivia how are you?" Elizabeth said while giving me a hug and kissing my cheek.

"I'm good Mrs. Grier you?"

"Ugh don't even get me started. Chad and I have to drive down with Will to set up his dorm again for college. He moved up a grade so he has I live on another part of the campus and we don't want to have to worry about it the rest of the summer. We should be back by tonight. I heared it was bad weather though so I'm not sure what is going to happen. I want Skylynn to be in bed by 9:30 the latest. No sugar past 8 because she gets alittle kookoo" she whispered, covering the side of her mouth so Skylynn wouldn't hear. I giggled and shook my head.

"Everything will be fine Mrs. Grier. We will call you if we need anything.

"Great. You can help yourself to lunch, and dinner is in the freezer for later, or you could order. Whichever you guys want. See you later guys love you!" She said blowing kisses as she grabbed her purse and walked away with her heels clinking the floor. Nash picked up Sky and hung her upside down.

"Let's go watch some tv for now, then we'll let lunch." He said.

We watched 'My Little Pony'

*Skylynn's choice* Nash passed out so me and Sky planned a prank. We threw pillows at him and screamed as loud as we could. I grabbed his phone and vined it. Nash's face was priceless and he screamed like a little girl.

Skylynn and I were on the floor peeing ourselves. When we settled down, we looked at the time and it was already 12:00. I carried Sky into Nash's Jeep and buckled her into her car seat.

I got in the front with Nash and blasted the music. We went to Mcdonalds and ordered a kidsmeal for Sky, a cheeseburger for me, and a double whopper for Nash. He eats a lot.

Skylynn was pretty happy with her toy, since it was A Barbie horse set. typical.

We went home and sat at the island in the kitchen. Once we finished, we played tag in the backyard, swung on the swingset, did chalk, and even swung her on their tire swing.

"That looks like so much fun!" I yelled as I pushed Sky higher and higher.

"You have never been on a tire swing?" Nash asked while laughing at Skylynn's reaction of going so high.


"Here get on!" He yelled as he slowed down Sky.

"Go livi go livi go livi!" Sky chanted as Nash helped me on the swing.

He pulled me up higher and higher until he said "3-2-1" and let me go. Each time I swing back to him he would grab my legs and tickle them. Skylynn was jumping up and down watching me. We all laughed at how much fun we have together. One time I swung down to him he pecked my lips. It was so cute.

After almost 3 hours of going out to lunch and having fun, we went inside. We put Skylynn down for a Nap because if she doesn't get a nap, she gets very cranky, sassy, and never cooperates.

*this is creepy.. I wrote this and in real life Nash just tweeted: "naps are the best"*

Nash and I decided to make some vines and film a youtube video. Our video was a challenge video of who could eat 2 packets of oatmeal first. It got all gooey in our mouths and just turned into a ball. Nash won but ended up gagging half the time like I did.

After 2 hours of Sky's nap, she woke up and ran down the stairs to us in the kitchen. Her hair was messed up, frizzy, knotty, and stocking up like a lion.

By this time it was around 5:00 already so we decided we would make dinner. I fixed Skylynn's hair and then helped Nash take out the food from the freezer. We made a frozen pizza, frenchfries, and a salad.

It took about an hour for everything to be ready. Skylynn helped me set the table in the dining room. We put the food out and ate. Surprisingly, everything was good!

Skylynn got food all over her face and clothes and even in her hair. When everyone was gone we cleared our plates and wiped down the table.

"Your discusting and you have food all over you! Let's get you in the bath." Nash said to Sky.

"BATHTIMEEE!" She squealed and ran up the stairs. Me and Nash laughed and followed her up the stairs, down the hallway, and into the master bedroom with the master bathroom inside it.

Nash got her pajamas and I got her out of her clothes and into the bath. We dumped bubble bath and toys into the water. We scrubbed her as she played with her toys.

"Nash, are you and Livi dating?" She said while still looking down at the toys she was playing with.

"No Sky.. Not yet." He said while looking at me. His face was bright red.

"Well aren't you gonna ask her out on a date Nash? Don't you love her?"

"Yes babygirl I do love her very very much but I didn't ask her out on a date keep your mouth shut missy!" He teased while taking a plop of bubbles and placed them on her head. She giggled.

I just sat there and changed the subject because it got alittle awkward.

Once 'BATHTIMEEE' was over we dried her off, and got her ready for bed. Nash out on her clothes while she brushed her teeth as I combed her hair and put it up in a messy bun.

We went downstairs and made a bowl of icecream with hotdudge, sprinkles, and gummy bears. It was 7:30 so it wasn't breaking the "no sugar" rule.

We sat down and watched Spider-Man while eating our sundaes. Once the movie was over it was 9:00. The day has gone by soo fast. It was already time to get Skylynn in bed.

She was falling asleep on the couch so Nash picked her up bridal style and carried we up to her bed. We tucked her in and she kissed our cheeks. We started to walk out of the room.

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