◄ Chapter 1 ► Motivational Throw Pillows

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Chapter 1

"What?!?!" Madison shrieks causing the whole hallway to grow silent.

"Can you say it a little louder?" Derek grits through his teeth. "I don't think the they heard you in Africa."

I look down the hallway in their direction and saw them both. Dereks back was towars me and I could see Madison's face. By now everyone was looking at them. Madison was dressed in her purple and gold hornets cheerleading uniform, her scarlet hair thrown up into a ponytail and her face slightly caked in makeup.

Madison was genuinely pretty and she was Derek girlfriend for the past two months but I guess not anymore. I figured it wouldn't last seeming his relationships never did.

"It's just not working out between us." He leaned against the locker, running his long fingers through his black hair.

"Not working out?!" She repeats louder, leaning in closer.

"Yeah." He nodded his head. "It was fun while it lasted though." He pinched her nose and smiled.

She frowned and he turned around. I quickly looked away and went back to placing my books in my locker. I felt as if he was staring at me and it made me slightly uncomfortable. Quickly I tucked my short blonde hair behind my ear and looked out the corner of my eye to see if he was looking at me.

When I saw he wasn't I let out a sigh of relief and closed my locker.

I didn't know what I'd do if I was next on his list.

Derek was the type of guy who could get any girl he wanted mainly because he was good looking. Long black hair that sometimes hung in his face, green eyes that were a light shade of emerald and a soft tan. He was the only guy I haven't seen use a spray tan even though we live in southern California. He was around 6'4 and towered over most guys in our school. I think he doesn't own any shirts with sleeves because all his shirts seem to have the sleeves cut off or didn't have any to begin with. It wasn't that his arms were super skinny they were actually pretty muscular, everything on him screamed badboy.

He was smart and probably missunderstood. He never dates a girl for longer that two months and I don't think he's ever been in love.

People say he has no heart that he was born without it. Of course that's illogical seeming that the heart is one of the main organs in the body that's required body. The girls he's dated all say he has no affectionate bone in his body and I don't blame them. Love was overrated and just a myth anyway.

"Are you done drooling over the guy or do I have to drag you to class?" My best, and only, friend Destiny says catching my attention.

I turn towards her and let out a snort. She was dressed just like Madison just shorter and less makeup on her face.

"I'm not drooling over anyone, simply observing." I huffed, tucking my hair behind my ear again.

Sometimes I regret ever getting it cut because it fell in my face more often. Both Destiny and my mother think I look better with short hair instead of long hair. I thought so as well until it became ridiculously annoying.

"Observing while drooling." She teases and I roll my eyes.

"Can we please just head to class?" I blance my book in my hand while flipping through my folder for my Human Growth and Developement homework.

"Are you ready to get married?" She looped her arm through mine and smiled.

"What?" I arch my brow and look at her, closing my folder and placing the homework on my book. We start walking to class.

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