◄ Chapter 6 ► Mad Karaoke

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◄ Chapter 6 ► Mad Karaoke

"Dear Derek," He started reading with a smile on his face. "You are extremely sexy and I'm going to fúck you!" He started laughing and my jaw dropped.

"That is not what it says!" I sit up from my hung position and turned on the couch to face him.

"I want to kiss your penís 20 times." He tried to hold in his laughter as he continued reading. "You make my cúnt burn with desire." He tries to say in a low sultry tone but it was failed when he let out a snicker of laughter.

"You're lying." I try taking the book from him but he jumps up from the couch and continued reading.

"When I first saw you, I subtly stared at you and fell in love." He put his hand on his chest and pretended to swoon. "Will you go out with me? Don't let your parents discourage you, they are just jealous. Yours forever, Monica." He looked up from the book and smiled sweetly at me.

"That's so sweet Rapunzel." He nodded his head and I frowned at him.

"You tricked me!" I spring up from the couch and start punching his chest.

"I did no such thing!" He laughed, obviously my punches did not phase him at all. "I just said say the dirtiest thing that comes to mind. You're not supposed to know what it is until I read it." He ran his tongue along his bottom lip and gripped my hands. "I'm glad your cúnt burns with desire for me babe." He pulls me closer into him, pressing my arms between our body.

"It does not." I growl, slightly lying.

The way he was looking at me, like he wanted to devour me whole, turned me on just enough so my "cúnt" did burn with desire.

"Fine, my turn." I snatch the book from his hands and sat on the couch.

I flipped through it and smiled. After asking him a few nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and numbers he had came up with a story.

"Want to know what it reads?" I ask holding the book close to me and smiling.

"Yes." He rolled his eyes.

I cleared my throat and began reading.

"Dogs of all ages enjoy watching purple magicians perform their blank tricks. Every man woman and penìs loves to see a magician pull a vāgina out of a hat, saw a live cat in half or make a huge penis cap disappear into small air." As I continued reading I tried my best not to laugh.

"Audiences love when magicians perform sleight of breast with a deck of walls a tall coin or a silk restaurant. The greatest of all magicians was the stinky Harry Houdini, who was able to escape from a locked hippo even though his penis were tied behind his ass and his feet were wrapped in iron goats." I snap the book shut and a smile wiggled on his lips.

"I love it!" He clapped enthusiastically. "Who ever said mad libs weren't awesome they were lying." He ran his fingers through his hair. "My favorite part was saw live cats in half." He said maliciously. "I hate cats." He shuddered.

"Cats hate you, I'm pretty sure they'd want to see you sawed in half alive." I retort putting my hands on my hips.

"That would be awesome, can I be sawed in half but the stinky Harry Houdini?" His smile widened and his eyes danced with amusement making him look like a little kid.

"You're ridiculous." I shake my head.

"Only when im with you." His tone drops down to a low husky purr and his lids fall slightly close as he stares at me with a deductive glare.

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