◄ Chapter 17 ► Skipping Third And Going For Home

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[WARNING; Sexual content, read at your own risk. ]

◄ Chapter 17 ► Skipping Third And Going Home

"Can we please not do this anymore?" Derek groaned, shutting his book. "We've been at it since we got here and it's..." He trailed off checking his phone for the time. "Almost eleven!" He said in shock and showed me the time.

It was a quarter to eleven and my efforts to stall had worked. But seeming there was really not much left to study I had no choice to face it. I wanted this, I knew I did I was just thinking of how I wanted it to go.

I had no clue how to do this sort of stuff. Did we use foreplay? Was he even into Foreplay? Maybe we should start with third base since he hadn't touched it yet? Or maybe I should be in control until it was actually time. Did he like a girl who was in control or just laid there? A girl who interacted or let the guy control her?

I was brought out of my thoughts when Derek kissed me, our lips moving together. My eyes swept closed and I fell back on the bed.

I guess as I was coming up with twenty questions he had moved everything off the bed and closed the door.

The door.

"Wait, wait wait." I say pulling away, pudding him away slightly.

"What?" He whispers.

"What if someone walks in on us while we're...you know?" I swallowed the nervous feeling I was getting but I could still feel it.

"Don't worry about it." I watched him remove his shirt.

His muscles bulged and flexed as he rolled it over his head and tossed it on the ground. His quiff was now array and in all honesty it looked so much better.

Only a second passed before his lips were on mine again and the nervous cold feeling I was feeling was replaced by numbing warmth. In that second I got to feel the ripple in his abdomen.

As our lips moved together he took my hand and placed it on his belt. He didn't even have to tell me what to do before I started to unbuckle it.

When it was out of the way I slipped the button if his pants through the hole and pulled down his zipper. He then took my hand again and pushed it in his pants. I felt his cøck twitch against the fabric of his boxer briefs before he wrapped my hand around it.

"It's all yours." He mutters, biting softly on my bottom lip.

I hum a moan and push him down on the bed and slide my leg across his lap and climb on him. He was slightly taken by surprised but he didn't let it phase him. I tucked my hair behind my ears before placing my hands on his lower abdomen and leaning down to kiss him.

His hands held my hips for awhile before moving towards the button of my shorts. I don't know when he got them undone but jumped slightly when he touched his fingers against my core through my underwear.

This caused me to bite down on his lips and he groaned. I bring one hand up to grip his hair and the other one gripped his wrist.

I wasn't sure if I wanted him to touch me there just yet. I somehow ended up craving his touch and sliding his hand up under my shirt and against my stomach.

His hand was warm against my skin and it stirred something deep inside me. Before I knew it he was sitting up and I was shifting positions so I sat on his lap.

He pulled back and I felt slightly out of breath. He ran his finger down my neck, eyeing it before pressing his lips against it and kissing the skin there. The sensation of his lips against my neck felt nice and I tilted my head to the opposite side exposing more to him. My eyes started to hood over and I gasp as he ripped my shirt open, popping off the buttons.

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