◄ Chapter 29 ► I'm Glad I Came

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◄ Chapter 29 ► I'm Glad I Came

I haven't spoken to Derek in days. He didn't answer my calls when I went to his house he "wasn't home". My texts to him just piled up with no replies and when I actually gave up he called me.

"Monica?" He slurred.

"Derek are you-are you drunk?" I ask tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah." He answers and I frowned.

"Where are you?" I shift in my bed.

My room was filled with empty boxes. I hadn't gotten around to packing, mainly because the fact I was moving out hadn't settled in yet. I was moving into an apartment on campus and I was stoked. My dad was paying the bills so I didn't really have to worry about a roommate but I had to get a job to pay for the moving trucks. I didn't mind, I needed to learn how to become dependent on myself and not others.

"That's not important. I called to tell that I'm leaving." He grumbles.

"Leaving? Leaving where?" My eyebrows furrowed together.

"London, I'm going to study abroad for two years." He slurs.

"London?" My heart clenched behind my chest.

"Yeah and I want you to know that even though you won't love me I will still be thinking about you the whole time I'm there and I hope you find someone worthy of your love." He slurs.

"Derek." I say softer than I intended.

"Bye Monica." The line went dead.


There's a difference from when something wakes you up and when you actually wake up. When you are waken up by something your brain doesn't really comprehend what's going on at that time. Nothing seems real and you feel as if you were still dreaming. So you fall back asleep and then wake up not really remembering what happened.

Somehow when I got the call that Derek was in the hospital I quickly jumped out of bed and threw on my hoodie. I didn't even care that I was in my tweety bird pajamas pants I had to leave.

Looking at the time I noticed that it was one in the morning. Not caring I ran down the stairs, my footsteps heavier than necessary. I went into the kitchen looking for the keys but they weren't on the hook and this caused me to panic.

I searched the drawers, slamming them when they weren't in the one I searched. I basically turned the kitchen upside down looking for my keys while fighting back tears.

"Monica, why are you up?" My mom asks groggily, she was in that state in being woken up.

"I have to go, I have to get out of here." I looked through a drawer that I've searched five times now.

"Now what's wrong?" She stops me.

I look up at her and it finally hits me. Derek was in the hospital. Something had happened to him. He could be dead and I don't even know because I can't get to him.

"I have to get to him." I felt the tears I've been holding back for so long finally pool up in my eyes.

"Get to who? Sweetheart calm down and breathe." She placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Derek mom! I have to get to Derek." Slowly one by ones the tears fell down my face, running down my cheeks and dripping of my chin.

"Why what's wrong?" She says.

"Mom!" I cry out. "I have I go!"

"Not until you tell me why you need to go." She wipes my face.

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