◄ Chapter 26 ► Mistakes All Around

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◄ Chapter 26 ► Mistakes All Around 

Usually when I wake up I'm alone. I usually don't wake up against a firm yet comfortable chest that smells like piney lavender. Nor did I wake up to legs tangle with mine. Nor did I wake up feeling so lazy that I didn't want to open my eyes. Today I woke up like all of those. So I just laid there with my eyes closed, breathing in Derek's intoxicated scent. He was still sound asleep and I knew this because his breathing was still the same deep rhythmic motion it was half and hour ago.

Yes I've been laying like this for half and hour and haven't even bothered getting up. I listened as my mom began bustling about the kitchen, not even the smell of food could coax me out of my current state. I was even stayed this way to listen to both my parents leave to visit the hospital.

I was never this lazy in the morning especially when the urge to pee kept coming and going the longer I laid there. Each time it came back it was worse than the last.

I shifted slightly trying to rid myself of the nuisance in my bladder without having to move and go to the bathroom. It didn't work and I groaned. My bladder was completely filled and I had no choice but to get up and use the rest room. Not thinking of it didn't work because it was there demanding to be emptied.

Maybe I can sneak out, pee, sneak back in and return to this sweet sweet laziness?

Yeah let's try and do that.

Slowly I opened my eyes and removed myself from Derek.

He groaned and whined slightly.

"Where are you going?" He mutters groggily.

Now I remember why I haven't tried that idea yet. He was a very light sleeper. The slightest movement could wake him up.

"To the bathroom, i'll be back I promise. Go back to sleep." I assured, slipping out the bed.

After using the bathroom and washing my hands I crawled back into bed. It wasn't that hard to get back to how I was, mainly because Derek was so warm and comfortable. He was the best pillow ever. The only difference was that his breathing wasn't the same. It wasn't slow and deep like when he was asleep. He was now awake and his breathing seemed slightly shorter and his heart seemed to pick up the pace slightly.

"You were supposed to go back to sleep." I murmured.

"I couldn't." He ran his fingers along the exposed skin over my waist.

A shiver ran up my side and I shuffled closer to him. He hissed and I cringed, scooting away again.

"Sorry." I mumble and he pulls me closer again groaning until the pain subsides.

"I like you being pressed up against me Blondie." He rested his hand on my hip setting the skin there ablaze.

"I like being pressed up against you." I tease looking up at him.

His lips stretched into a half assed smile mainly because of the cut on his lip. He didn't want to open it again. His bruise under his eye made it look swollen and sent a stab to my chest. I quickly looked away and stared at my wall.

"I notice you've painted the ceiling." He says breaking the short term silence we had been in.

"Yeah, Calvin and I did." His grip tightened on me and I cringed.

Calvin had told me that they really weren't on full speaking terms. They would mutter a few words here and there but they weren't like they used to. Calvin would rather have him barely talk to him and stay mad then be completely pissed at him and staying mute towards each other. So in the mean time they were keeping their distance, he was even looking for his own place.

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