◄ Chapter 11 ► Shy Guys And Puke

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◄ Chapter 11 ► Shy Guys And Puke

Ain't it fun
Living in the real world
Ain't it good
Being all alone

I groan as Destiny sets it as her new ringtone.

"I love this song." She says shaking her brown hair to the music.

"Now I get to hear it every time you call." I say faking enthusiasm, grabbing my phone away from her.

We were hiding out in the library for free period, luckily the old prune was I out and there was a temporary sub for her. The library was pretty loud and a bad place to work because of it. Destiny didn't mind, she hated being quiet.

"You'll love it." She smiled flipping through her notebook aimlessly.

I shook my head and tapped my pencil against the table, and scanned the library. Some kids were dancing and joking on a table top, a couple were checking out books and there was one guy in the corner with his legs crossed. He was holding a history book in his lap, notebook on the floor and earbuds in his ears. My ears perked up and a smile stretched on my face.

"I'll be back." I stand up and walk over to Ethan.

He doesn't see me when I approach him so I sit down next to him. When he still doesn't notice I cross my legs beneath me and smile at him. His eyes roll over to me and he jumps in surprise. I reach up and take an earbud out of his ear.

"Hi." I say softly.

"What do you want with me?" He says startling me.

"N-nothing really." I state.

"Then why do you keep trying to talk to me." He runs his fingers through his hair, pulling it in his face.

"I figured you might need a friend."

"You figured wrong." He shut his book, a foul look on his face. "I don't need friends, they only end up stabbing you in the back." He stood up and took off, leaving his notebook behind.

I pick it up and run my finger along the sketch. My heart drops to my stomach and I look over at Destiny.

Maybe I'm just not the girl he wants to approach him.

I watch as Destiny looks over her shoulder at someone approaching her. That someone turned out to be my boyfriend. I watched in curiosity as they conversed before she motioned over to me. He looked towards me and smiled. I gave a small smile back and he excused himself away from Destiny and walked over to me while digging in his bag.

By the time he had reached me and sat down he had pulled out a long velvet box, with a rose attached to it. I frown at the box.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Roses are so overrated." I pluck it from the box. "If you're going to get me a flower get me a tulip, I like tulips."

"Just open the box." He kisses my cheek and takes the rose from my fingers.

I suck in a deep breath and slowly lift the lid off the box. Inside was a silver bracelet with a heart charm on it. I stared at it in shock, it looked hella expensive. My heart leaped with joy.

"Derek I can't-"

"I want you to where it tonight." He took it out the box and grabbed my hand.

"Tonight?" I stare at him confused and he clasped the cool metal around my wrist.

"Yes, I'm taking you on our first real date." He tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Derek I can't except this." I start to take it off but he stops it.

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