◄ Chapter 21 ► How About No Titles

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◄ Chapter 21 ► How About No Titles

The next day I decided to stay at home. Nobody was there. My mom was at work for the last day of middle school and my dad was at the hospital with his step-sister. Apparently before I came back home she went into labor and she was still on labor.

"Maybe it's for the best." His voice echoed in my head.

So that was it. Derek and I were just friends. We were single. He could do whatever he wanted and I can do whatever I wanted. I should feel a sense of freedom but I don't. Only thing I cared about was the fact he wasn't exactly cutting me off.

He texted me good morning around 10 o'clock but I hadn't reply yet. I don't think I wanted to reply back.

My phone began ringing next to me and I huffed, leaning over and grabbing it. I answered the call without checking to see who it was first.

"Hello." I mumbled running my fingers through my hair.

"Why did Derek just change his Facebook status to single?!" Destiny chided loudly through the phone.

"You're friends with him on Facebook?" I arch my brow even though she couldn't see it.

"Yeah." She said softer than before. "Still that doesn't change the fact that his relationship status is single!"

"Well he is single." I mutter.

"What?!" She screeches loudly.

"We broke up yesterday, we're just friends now." I continue further.

"Why? You know I've always wanted to go on a double date. It has been my dream for the longest!" She whined.

"We're better off friends. I don't really trust him anymore and he kinda doesn't trust me." I explain and she groans. "You can't have a relationship without trust."

"You hate to see me happy don't you?" She huffed.

"Destiny you're always happy. You're like the definition of a contradiction." I roll my eyes.

"Well fine, since you aren't dating Derek anymore I guess me and Ethan will just go to Benny's together." She says causing my eyes to widen.

Benny's had the best cheesecakes ever and one slice was bigger than my whole hand. Whenever we both were single Destiny and I would go to treat her broken heart and share a cheesecake.

We had vowed to never eat a whole cheesecake ourselves so me going as a third wheel was out of question.

"I can see if Derek wants to go." I really had nothing better to do and cheesecake was cheesecake.


I took off Derek's helmet and shook my hair free as he climbed off the bike. A few guys next to us whistled and a blush crept along my cheek.

Derek took my hand and helped me off the bike. The lace of my show got caught on something and I ended up tripping. His arms quickly wrapped around my waist and pulled me into him. The heat in my cheeks intensified and I looked up at him.

"Boys make you nervous?" He whispers.

"No." I retort, pulling away from him.

As we were walking into Benny's the guys that were near us were now leaning against the wall near the entrance. As we were passing by they wolf whistled at me and tried getting my attention. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

Derek surprised me by grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers. I looked up at him with an arched brow and he winked at me. I laughed shaking my head and pushed open the door to Benny's. As soon as we entered the resturant a waiter carrying two slices of cheesecake walked past us in a hurry.

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