◄ Epilogue ► Connection Lost

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Epilogue Connection Lost

3 Months Later

Unconditionally played loudly through the room. I placed my pencil down in my notebook and flipped through my textbook.

Studying for mid terms were a pain in the áss.

Suddenly the music cut off and I looked up at my laptop screen. There was a black rectangle with the words Incoming Call on it. One side of the rectangle held a blank picture with the words 'YouCantSeeMe' underneath it. On the other she was my picture and my name under neath. Between the two were white dots bouncing back and forth.

Reluctantly I clicked Answer Call and there was a piece of paper in view. I stared at the screen confused but read it a loud.

"So there's this girl." I read and a hand went to pull it away. "That I'm crazy about." They pulled it away. "I haven't seen her in three months." It pulled away again. "But the last time I did." There was a slight pause before they pulled it away. "She told me she loved me."

My heart picked up behind my chest and it was becoming harder to breathe.

"So I was wondering." I continued. "If I said I love you." I wiped away the tears away from my face. "Would she say it back." The last paper disappeared and there was nothing but a wall with a yellow hue.

More tears streamed down my face and I wiped then away. The camera started to shake as the laptop got picked up. Soon a familiar face appeared on screen and I let out a choked laugh.

My hands covered my mouth and he smiled while fixing the earbud in his ear. His hair was different. He cut if on the sides and let it stay full in the top. It grew to fall over his eye a little more.

"Hi beautiful." He says and my heart picks up.

"Hi." I say gleefully, moving my hands away from my face. "Oh my gosh hi." I laughed and he laughed with me.

The past three months were hard. Seeming he lived in London now and I was still here it was hard to find times to talk. I would wake up to good morning text and would fall asleep to goodnight texts. But we never had a full conversation. So seeing him, hearing him brought tears to my eyes.

"Hi." He says again and I wipe my face.

"Hi." I echo and he smiles. "I love the hair." I run my fingers through my hair.

"I love the pink." He brushes his hair away from his face.

"I miss you so much." I suck in my bottom lip and hugged my arms to my body.

"Me too." He sticks his arms in his hoodie pocket.

There were so many things I could've said. So many things I wanted to say but nothing came to mind but three words.

We sat in silence just looking at each other and I didn't mind. I was happy with the fact I got to see him. I got to speak to him and hear his voice.

He looked down at his keyboard and began typing. Seconds later a chat bubble popped up next to his face.

YouCantSeeMe: I wish I could hold you in my arms.

I smiled and began typing back.

Monica Roth: I wish I could be in your arms.

Looking over at him he smiled at me and I smiled back.

YouCantSeeMe: Do you still love me?

Monica Roth: Of course I do.

YouCantSeeMe: Say it.

I adverted my eyes over to his face and smiled.

"I love you." I say with everything in me. Wanting him to feel the power of my words over there. "I will love you unconditionally."

As soon as I said it the words Connection Lost flashed across the screen before unconditionally started playing again. My heart sank and I leaned against my wall. My phone buzzed next to me and I picked it up to unlock it. It brought up a text and it brought a smile to me.

And there is no fear now, let go and just be free. Cause I will love you unconditionally. -D

A/N: there's so many things I feel like I should say but I don't want to ruin this perfect ending.

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